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Comment count is 12
Hooker - 2007-06-02

What always amazes me most is how willingly Japanese women volunteer for this perversion.

Aelric - 2007-06-02

well, in all fairness, there are plenty of pornstars and hookers in america who wish they could get by with just a little panty flash instead of the shit they gotta go through. doesn't excuse this shit, however, as this is just embarrassing preteen obsession taken into adulthood. patheticness abounds and ultimately prevails.

EvilHomer - 2007-06-02

It just keeps going and going and going.

jihadbaby - 2007-06-03

This is what the energizer bunny jacks off to.

zatojones - 2007-06-02

They all seem to naturally go into that weird splay legged squat thing they do.

And did I just see a bird fly out from between that one chick's legs?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-02

I... I think Number One was freebuffing. The video quality isn't good enough to say for sure, but everyone's reaction to it is leading me to believe that she was totally freebuffing.

On a different yet related note, is there any particular reason why the girls with the giant platform boots kept them on for the stunt? Because you could really hurt someone with those, like a horse hoof.

Camonk - 2007-06-02

So, is there any reason to watch this at all after the first two or three? Does the guy start to do or say anything different?

love - 2007-06-02

No. Japan is panties rubbed on a Human Face—Forever.

StanleyPain - 2007-06-03

OK..I have to admit, as a male, I didn't find this entirely unpleasant. But yeah, it is very stupid in the traditional, tried-and-true Japanese way.

StanleyPain - 2007-06-03

Doh.my rating!

gambol - 2007-07-08

-1 for when he actually starts spreading their legs with his feet. +1 for the girl in orange that fought it. -1 for that other asshole running onto the mat and force-displaying the girls' panties. +1 for the size of the crowd. -1 for the one girl freeballin' it. +1 for 'sOOOriyah' over and over again.

Reminds me of an old Samurai proverb: Panties not best thing on Earth, but next to best thing on Earth.

Hodge - 2008-06-26

5 stars for the video and 5 more for this comment.

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