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Comment count is 6
Hooper_X - 2007-06-08

Seriously. Better than it has any real right to be.

EvilHomer - 2007-06-08

I think you hit the nail on the head with that one, man. Although really, I guess I don't know what to expect with German + alt.country + Cameo cover.

baleen - 2007-06-09

Why is this "alt country?" It's just some poser krauts making fun of country music and trying to be being funny by covering cameo. Didn't do much for me.

kiint - 2007-06-09


Kumquatxop - 2007-06-09


pastorofmuppets - 2009-06-25

Seriously...the label "alt country" is correctly applied to music that sounds like what country *used* to before Urban Cowboy came out. See: Alison Krauss, Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris, Kings of Leon, Townes Van Zandt, Son Volt, Gram Parsons.

Basically if it's good, and it's country, it's alt country. This is neither.

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