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Comment count is 17
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-21

Who would win in a fight, Automan or Manimal? These are the sort of issues our fanfiction writers should be tackling.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2007-06-22

What, don't you remember the video? http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=16751

Fuckin' A. Not even a panther can beat that.

Aernaroth2 - 2007-08-15

I don't know how many horsepower are in that car, but since Manimal probably can't do more than... one, Id put my money on Automan.

Enjoy - 2007-06-21

I remember this well as the helicopter gave me my first boner.

Zhou Fang - 2007-06-21

Wow, so this was Turbo Teen's dad?

Xenocide - 2007-06-22

With Cursor as himself! Aw, the producers think they're clever.

Also: I looked this show up on Wiki and it reports that the second episode was entitled "Staying Alive While Running a High Flashdance Fever."

StanleyPain - 2007-06-22

I'm sure that somewhere there is a website devoted to this show and every ounce of minutia is carefully studied and examined to answer the vexing question of why this was taken off the air.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2007-06-22

With Desi Arnaz Jr., reprising his role from "I Love Lucy."

Adramelech - 2007-06-22

OK, Cursor is pretty much the worst idea for a show mascot ever.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-06-22

I can't believe that someone green-lit this show.

Furthermore, I can't believe that some other assholes haven't made a bigger budget, yet worse, version of it into a movie.

Camonk - 2007-06-22

After this, I don't think anyone's surprised this particular empire fell.

kthorjensen - 2007-06-22

That little glowing ball of light sure loves titties.

Alektorophobic - 2007-06-22

Automan electrocuted that guy hanging from the helicopter!

johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-08

Tron meets Knight Rider meets...nipples at 0:22?

johnnyhamhock - 2007-07-08

-0:22 rather

Jeff Fries - 2008-12-01


Sigrdrífa - 2012-06-11

wow, good to remember ... always loved the 90 degrees turns ... at 0:43 and 0:45 too funny as well

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