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Comment count is 8
onemorepanic - 2007-06-18

She's got a endearing effect on guitar playing hippie girls.
Some reason they hate her.
"You would like this".
Yes I would. And do.

Evilhead - 2007-06-18

Pretty cool, but pretty much a sloppy version of what this guy does:


But I guess being a cute chick gets you that record deal!

Stopheles - 2007-06-18

Please submit that!

Comrade Admiral - 2007-06-18

fingerstyle guitar is pretty much always awesome. Didn't know about that McKee dude, but if you're into this sound should also check out Don Ross, he uses some different methods of fingerstyle.

here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4

and here I think I'm badass because I'm the only person I know who can Travis pick.

baleen - 2007-06-18

Yeah more cute than talented but you know, whatever.

KnowFuture - 2007-06-18

Lookat'er go!

It's entertaining as hell to watch her do all the stuff AND she's getting some really cool sounds out of her guitar.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-18

when does pink noise come into play? eh fuck it I dont care...

-4 for the annoying "Im cooler then you" facial expressions

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2008-08-21

Five stars for nerd rage at people who can do things that don't involve Ruby, Python, PHP, or C#.

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