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Comment count is 7
phalsebob - 2007-06-26

The TERRIFYING sound of.... cotton?

Is that like a deafening silence or some shit?

NoCode - 2007-06-26

The touch, the feel of cotton: The fabric of our DOOM!

To be fair, I also hate the feel and sound of cotton balls. They're kind of icky. But I'm not phobic of them.

Also, Maury's evilness with his phobia shows never gets old.

Sudan no1 - 2007-06-28

"I have a nightmare of a man made out of cotton balls"

Maury: making dreams reality! ™

Spastic Avenger - 2007-07-30

You can tell people have it too easy in the West if they can find the time to be afraid of fucking cotton. I fhtye were wondering where their drinking water was coming from and how many things had shat in it you can imagine life would be a little different.

CharlesSmith - 2008-07-22

You can tell Spastic Avenger has it too easy if he can find the time to be annoyed by a woman's fear of cotton. If he was wondering where his drinking water was coming from and shit, he would be doing that instead over-analyzing videos on the internet.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-06

I love you, Cotton, Cotton, Cotton Boy.

PurpleXVI - 2008-12-31

Mocking the terrors of fat people is AWESOME.

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