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Comment count is 5
Evilhead - 2007-06-27

Nicely done documentary, if a bit dated. The yakuza are a fascinating cultural aspect of Japan. I'm always a bit curious when I see them hanging out at Osaka station or see one of their massive, well protected homes. If you are interested, I suggest reading this book:

http://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Yakuza-Life-Japans-Underworl d/dp/4770019483

A non-fiction work that tells the life story of an old yakuza boss and his rise to power. An easy read but an amazing life.

Aelric - 2007-06-27

and a damn fine, easy to read, interesting tale. very good book.

revdrew - 2007-06-27

From what I can tell this goes back to the early-mid eighties. Still, really, really interesting.

EvilHomer - 2007-06-28

What I can't get over is how open these guys are. I live in a Mafia town myself, and while it's no big secret that the Italian club down the street is a mob hangout, and you can usually tell which local Guidos are connected, they at least TRY and keep it on the DL in public. They sure as hell wouldn't be letting the press waltz into their offices, let alone grill a roomful of high-ranking officers about their finances and conflicts with rival families. "Hey, you wanna see a list of which guys we ain't talkin' to no more? Sure. Right there on the wall. And get a good closeup shot of this phone list we got, don't want anyone missing the important details, right!"

Evilhead - 2007-06-28

Even though these kinds of interviews are pretty rare, one of the main things that distinguishes the yakuza is that they keep a fairly open front. They have offices with their emblems proudly displayed, not some front or hangout. They don't hide the fact that they are yakuza at all.

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