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Comment count is 15
Hooper_X - 2007-06-21

By his own admission, this guy makes less than ,000 a year.

I get the feeling that this stopped being fun for him a long time ago, and now it's just a desperate, addiction-like need to have One Of Everything, no matter what it costs.

One day, he'll open that shipping crate from Japan, pull out that last super-rare store exclusive mail-away, lovingly set it in a place of honor on his shelves... and then blow his fucking brains out (in the next room over. wouldn't want to get any blood on his MISB AFA graded G1 figures!)

voodoo_pork - 2007-06-21

Honestly, it's just nature at work. Let him blow his brains out. It's the way of things.

nubilus - 2007-08-17


zatojones - 2007-06-21

"As you can see behind me, my collection speaks for itself"

No truer words.

Knaaks - 2007-06-21

Bah, I've been up all night, and from the title, I thought he was going to be talking about robot penises, and that all the build up was just leading up to him saying something like "So as you can see, I am the authority on Transformers, and am the only one qualified to discuss Soundwave's wiener!" Disapointing! :(

Hooper_X - 2007-06-21

Sorry about that. These guys are actually entering some kind of WHO IS THE BIGGEST FAGGOT LOVER OF ROBOTS contest, using these videos as applications.

Dear god.

voodoo_pork - 2007-06-21

You know what the scary thing is? SOMEONE HELPED HIM SHOOT THIS.

I can only assume it's a kidnapping victim forced to dressed as Shockwave. "But I don't want to transform!"

"You'll transform and you'll make the sound and you'll fucking like it!"

(sobbing in own filth) "I want to go home! I want my Mommy!"

In conclusion, no robot penis measurements. Only a sad and depressing overweight Hispanic virgin spread eagle on his Circuit City DV camera surrounded by his anal, painstakingly cultivated, meticulously inventoried "life".

StanleyPain - 2007-06-21

See, I love these videos because no matter what dark tunnel I am in, I am never as sad as these people, thus I feel better.

Also: the silent 2 minute parade of Transformers figures is extremely unsettling.

Adramelech - 2007-06-21

Obsession in any form is disturbing, but the whole "LOL WHAT A VIRGIN SERIAL KILLER AM I RIGHT" thing about anyone with a nerdy compulsive hobby is getting old.

Besides, if anyone is secretly killing people, it's the married guy who has a room that looks like this, but filled with football team merchandise.

sosage - 2007-06-21

The guy has a bad ass collection of toy robots. Aside from his occasionally mouth smack speech tick, I'm not seeing what is so bad about this.

Sorry. Did I just pull a “not evil enough”?

Random_Hajile - 2007-06-21

I want to submit this video to a dating service. There must be some lucky lady out there who wants to be Mrs DJ Soundwave.

Hooker - 2007-06-22

This doesn't have any quality that TRANSFORMS it from being sad to being hilarious.

klingerbgoode - 2007-08-02

you fat fuck

Princess v2.1 - 2007-10-01

Read the Youtube comments. From the big man himself


"No, no no,....Those guys are Fortress Maximus, Grans Maximus, and Brave Maximus...... you must be a novice on transformers."

prang - 2008-09-22

The tab for this in Safari reads "Transformer Fan Penis Me..."

I just thought I'd mention that.

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