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Comment count is 23
halon - 2007-06-23

That was incredibly awesome

Stopheles - 2007-06-23

The phrasing is spot-fucking-on.

fluffy - 2007-06-23

I love when people use a theremin as a real instrument instead of as a 1950s sci-fi sound effect.

Afgh - 2007-06-23

Is someone playing the carpet at -2:40?

oogaBooga - 2008-05-31

It takes years of practice and dedication to get as good as the man you saw doing the carpet ambience!

Kumquatxop - 2007-06-24

not ONLY is that probably the best theremin player in the world, that's also probably the best carpet player in the world.

longwinded - 2007-06-24

to be making me logging in to favorited

happy_ending - 2007-06-24

I was sick of this song, but now I love it again. Thanks, science!

dr_rock - 2007-06-24

That was most excellent.

Derrida - 2007-06-25

I didn't think anybody knew how to play the theremin anymore. I'm glad to be wrong.

Xenocide - 2007-06-26

Godamn, but the theremin is an underrated instrument.

Frostilicus - 2007-06-26

A terrible song, a boring video, an instrument designed to impress nerds. AND YET

exy - 2007-07-05

I agree with the "and yet" part

Disaster - 2007-07-15

i came

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-02-14

I had to watch it three times. Then I bookmarked it.

Pass this video around. I will now be calling local music shops to see if they sell such devices. Anyone know any place that might carry one of these near Sacramento?

fluffy - 2008-03-06


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-14

Theremin does not get nearly enough respect, love, or adulation.

mouser - 2008-04-14


Gwago - 2008-09-29

Cool video, but sounds like a shitty karaoke knock-off without the visuals.

sparklefatty - 2008-10-16

Please. This stinks. No stars at all. Unredeemably poor musicians who should all die.

Pie Boy - 2009-02-02

people dislike you and you smell bad

tardsmashers - 2009-10-01

holy shit

Pope Caius - 2012-06-23

It sounds like if one of the grown-ups in Charlie Brown cartoons started singing

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