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Comment count is 10
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-24

I forgot to log in the first time so it was automatically sent to the hopper; just let it die, or maybe Chet can delete it (not that anyone would vote it out of the hopper anyway but you never know).

EvilHomer - 2007-06-24

Classic! Amorphis was really good, but when it comes to Finnish metal, I'm more partial to the neoclassical death metal stuff, like CoB and Eternal Tears of Sorrow. Not to mention Sentenced, if they count as "death" metal... none of which have been submitted yet (hint hint!)

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-24

CoB is a great band. Never really dug Sentenced though, although I own North From Here. But Amorphis was around way before those guys; nice to meet someone who knows their stuff. I will try to find some CoB videos for ya. (CoB stands for Children of Bodom for those not in the know).

EvilHomer - 2007-06-24

Awesome. Danke schön! I'd submit 'em myself, but they never get past the Hopper.

Sentenced may be one of those aquired tastes. They're a solid metal band, but they're so MISERABLE all the time. And it's not just an act, either... my old band opened for them once, and Ville spent the whole set drinking and tearfully apologizing to the audience about how much he was drinking. We met him after the show, and it was ten minutes of "Oh, I vas zooo horrible. I am zooo sorry about drink all time! I sahcked!" "No, you were OK, dude, really!" "No, no, I waz horrible. You all hate me!"

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-24

Ahahaha, please tell me you aren't joking, because that is fucking hilarious

EvilHomer - 2007-06-25

Nah, and I wish I was, because the band broke up right after that tour! I'd always wondered whether their whole "suicide and alchoholism" thing was a gimmick or not, and turns out they really were a bunch of neurotic SOBs. They played a great set, though, and they did better stone drunk and apologizing than most bands do sober and cocky.

Ryo-Cokey - 2007-06-25

I have submitted some Sentenced, couldn't get it out of the hopper.

Zarathustra00 - 2007-06-24

Great submission! Tales and Elegy are two of my favorite albums by any group. And even though Amorphis has gone more progressive and mainstream their new stuff is better than most everything being squeezed out by groups in the US. European metal is where its at.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-24

Yeah their newer stuff is OK, but I now consider them to be more of a folk band than anything else. Tales is a metal uber-classic.

Elegy is great musically, and Holopainen is in fine form, but I could never get into Pasi Koskinen as a vocalist. I appreciate how they were trying to move in another direction and all, but damn it was such a let-down all the same.

Ryo-Cokey - 2007-06-25

Eh, I like even the new Amorphis, although they're more folk rock than metal anymore.

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