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Comment count is 23
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-10

Isnt trump gonna be in jail? Hes the defendant in about 20 legal cases criminal and otherwise.

Pillager - 2021-10-11

https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/576192-jon-stewa rt-says-trump-has-a-very-good-chance-in-2024

You'll see Trump in the white house, before he'd ever see a jail cell.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-10-14

Trump may wind up running for President as a desperate form of legal defense. I seriously doubt if hes interested in being president again, but by teasing a possible run, he gets contributions, which he can use for his legal costs.

exy - 2021-10-10

Hi observe me as I rail against a monster I've helped prepare the stage for

Xenocide - 2021-10-11

Last week Bill tried pandering to Trump supporters with some racist hysteria over black people revering the song Lift Every Voice and Sing. This week Bill is back to pretending he hates Trump. Dude is flailing about trying to find an audience that'll give him attention.

casualcollapse - 2021-10-11

Just because you don't like what he is saying doesn't make it any less true

SolRo - 2021-10-11

The messenger can be as important as the message, as the people who need to hear the message must be able to trust the person delivering it.

Hazelnut - 2021-10-11


SolRo - 2021-10-11

Yeah, like a Zionist supporting ethnic cleansing running around calling people racist.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-11

is this from the same episode where Taibbi owned him?

Hazelnut - 2021-10-11

Boring racist troll SolRo is boring. He’s perfectly aware I criticise Israel and support Palestine more than he does, but bigot’s gonna bigot.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-11

lol a bunch of retarded maga chuds shattered some windows with the help of police on 1/6 and it has completely broken the brain of liberals, you all live in a fantasy land

teethsalad - 2021-10-11

The word bezoar is derived from the Persian pād-zahr (پادزهر), literally "antidote".[13] It was introduced in Europe from the Middle East in the 11th century and remained popular until the 18th century.[14] It was believed to have the power of a universal antidote, would work against any poison[when?], and that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar could neutralize any poison poured into it[where?].
Finger ring with a bezoar stone, 17th century

Ox bezoars are used in Chinese herbology,[vague] also known as niu-huang (牛黃) or calculus bovis. They are gallstones or gallstone substitutes created from ox or cattle bile. In some products, they claim to remove toxins from the body.

The Andalusian physician Ibn Zuhr (d. 1161), known in the West as Avenzoar, is thought[by whom?] to have made the earliest description of bezoar stones as medicinal items.[15] Extensive reference to bezoars also appears in the Picatrix.

In 1567, French surgeon Ambroise Paré did not believe that it was possible for the bezoar to cure the effects of any poison, and described an experiment to test the properties of the stone. A cook in the King's court was sentenced to death, and chose to be poisoned. Paré administered the bezoar stone to the cook, but it had no effect, and the cook died in agony seven hours after taking the poison, proving that contrary to popular belief, the bezoar could not cure all poisons.[16]

Modern examinations of the properties of bezoars by Gustaf Arrhenius and Andrew A. Benson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography show that when bezoars are immersed in an arsenic-laced solution, they can remove the poison. The toxic compounds in arsenic are arsenate and arsenite; each is acted upon differently by the bezoars: arsenate is removed by being exchanged for phosphate in brushite found in the stones, while arsenite is bound to sulfur compounds in the protein of degraded hair, which is a key component in bezoars.[17]

A famous case in the common law of England (Chandelor v Lopus, 79 Eng Rep. 3, Cro. Jac. 4, Eng. Ct. Exch. 1603) announced the rule of caveat emptor ("let the buyer beware") if the goods they purchased are not in fact genuine and effective. The case concerned a purchaser who sued for the return of the purchase price of an allegedly fraudulent bezoar.

Bezoars were important objects in cabinets of curiosity and natural history collections, mainly for their use in early modern pharmacy and the study of animal health.[18][19]

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy notes that consumption of unripened persimmons has been identified as the main cause of epidemics of intestinal bezoars, and that up to 90% of bezoars that occur from excessive consumption require surgery for removal.[20]

A 2013 review of three databases identified 24 publications presenting 46 patients treated with Coca-Cola for phytobezoars. The cola was administered in doses of 500 mL to up to 3000 mL over 24 hours, orally or by gastric lavage. A total of 91.3% of patients had complete resolution after treatment with Coca-Cola: 50% after a single treatment, with others requiring the cola plus endoscopic removal. Doctors resorted to surgical removal in four cases.[21]

ashtar. - 2021-10-11

Liberal Benghazi. The difference being that democrats are less willing or able to use this to rile up their base.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-11

the liberal base is a lot less susceptible to Benghazi-style propagandizing and that's why the insane hyperbole around 1/6 is only getting traction with shitlibs that are already stuck to CNN/MSNBC 24/7.

in the real world you'd have a hard time finding anyone that's even aware of the tragicomedy of the vandalized capitol building, and how it's the worst thing to ever happen in America

Spike Jonez - 2021-10-11

"Listen to liberal garbage from someone who doesn't understand politics."

ashtar. - 2021-10-11

Yeah, I hope he gets cancer (minus 2 stars) but he's not wrong on this. The GOP is willing and able to do whatever it takes to achieve and maintain power. Of course they're setting the stage to steal elections. Duh.

He neglected to mention that Trump lost by less than 1% in the handful of states that matter during his mismanagement of the worst crisis since WWII. So they may not even need to steal the election.

Would be cool if there was some sort of organized opposition party that could represent the will of the majority and oppose the threat of American Fascism. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Crackersmack - 2021-10-11

just as a fun thought exercise, if Republicans used fraud to give themselves unbeatable congressional majorities, how exactly would my life change?

ashtar. - 2021-10-12

In democrat america, when your job is converted to "independent contractor" gig work with no benefits, the app that is your boss will send you messages reminding you to reduce your plastic waste.

simon666 - 2021-10-16

Don't you guys ever get tired of sucking your own dicks?

ashtar. - 2021-10-16

no it's great

themilkshark - 2021-10-11

I like when his dumb audience cheers and he has to correct them.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-10-14

>>>lol a bunch of retarded maga chuds shattered some windows with the help of police on 1/6 and it has completely broken the brain of liberals, you all live in a fantasy land

>>>in the real world you'd have a hard time finding anyone that's even aware of the tragicomedy of the vandalized capitol building, and how it's the worst thing to ever happen in America.

Crackersmack, you couldn't find the real world with both hands, a flashlight, a compass, a GPS, and.Google Maps.

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