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Comment count is 6
fourthguy - 2007-07-03

Proof that this band would be a bazillion times better without the vocalist.

Tyfus - 2007-07-03

This makes me respect these guys. Crazy good.

EvilHomer - 2007-07-03

Not CoB's most jaw dropping work, but classy. They show the original piece a lot more respect than most neoclassical bands covering Vivaldi are apt to do.

Yngwie, this is your notice! Turn in your badge, your guitar, and your funny colored pants. Alexi Laiho is now officially better than you in every way imaginable.

halon - 2007-07-03

Wow. If I could do this, I don't think I'd ever do anything aside from sit around all day and play this song over and over on my axe.

Shion - 2007-08-16

\m/ O.O \m/

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2008-07-01

Five half-stars for the song.
Five half-stars for Metal-hair.

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