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Desc:just pulls it out of the ether in minutes
Category:Arts, Educational
Tags:paul mccartney, The Beatles, Peter Jackson, get back
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Comment count is 8
Crackersmack - 2021-11-29

Beatles fans will watch somebody mumble over a two-chord progression and call it genius.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-29

Yep. If you enunciate with perfect elocutionary manner over a 30 chord progression it's just *objectively* superior.

Cena_mark - 2021-11-30

Song writing is a strange process. Sometimes you can just jam out a song, other times it's more of a deliberative writing process. We'll look at the creation of a classic song and declare it genius, while ignoring all the biddle that happens on the way.

Beatles are so overrated

exy - 2021-12-04

The real victims here are the people like me, who aren't embarassed to like the Beatles just fine, but who also don't have much in common with their fanatics, so that basically everything anyone says about them that isn't tepid is tedious instead.

badideasinaction - 2021-11-29

All arguments on the Beatles aside, holy shit the cleanup job they've done on part of this doc is amazing.

jangbones - 2021-11-29

I did that for a football series that aired on ESPN. We would pull film of NFL games that was shot in the mid to late sixties. Run it through modern telecine and audio equipment and that shit looked like it was shot the week before. Technology has come a long way.

badideasinaction - 2021-11-29

I watched his last doc "They Shall Not Grow Old" about soldiers from WW1 and the work they did to make it "new" was pretty amazing and harrowing. Also given how bad that could have turned out it was a hell of a risk but it was amazing to see. Hoping to get a chance to see this one too.

Siebenstein - 2021-11-30

The absolute disdain they had for each other, now in UHD! Before they were playing, that is.

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