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Comment count is 10
SolRo - 2021-12-25

It was okay.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-12-25

Last night I watched the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, and believe it or not, it's worse than the first one.

Nominal - 2021-12-25

I'm now confident calling the Disney trilogy worse than the prequels.

At least the prequels could be made fun of. The new trilogy is so bland and pointless it's not even fun to mock.

SolRo - 2021-12-25

Only the 8th movie had some redeeming value.

The prequels at least had ambition and vision, if poorly executed.

Nominal - 2021-12-26

They were made by Lucas, who at least had a base idea with some personal passion behind it. He was just too old and lazy when it came to actually executing it.

Disney trilogy was start to finish a cold corporate brand extension exercise.

casualcollapse - 2021-12-26

With some incredibly badass scenes like warp nuking that ship with another ship and Kylo freezing that laser bolt in mid-air, Nom

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-26

Every Star Wars movie after the first two were coldly corporate brand extension exercise. There's nothing in the new trilogy that's particularly more worse than, "oh look they built another death star."

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-26

I words good.

Nominal - 2021-12-27

Ewoks sucked, but it's ridiculous saying that Return of the Jedi and Rise of Skywalker were exactly the same quality.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-27

I didn't; I said they shared an identical motivation for being made. Commercial decisions shaped both movies' DNA. In both cases, telling the best possible story played a silent second fiddle to enticing fans to buy tickets and creating business opportunities.

I think Jedi is a slightly better movie, but only slightly, and without Luke's finale in the throne room I'd give it to Rise easily. Star Wars is as much about special effects as anything else, and those '80s-ass movies look pathetic compared to modern Disney visuals.

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