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Comment count is 11
duck&cover - 2021-12-27

Sometimes you just want to share, no ulterior motive.

badideasinaction - 2021-12-27

For Police Quest games, I'm just amazed they didn't all result in a Game Over.

Nominal - 2021-12-27

The biggest tragedy of PoE News shutting down was me forgetting to archive Feyd's masterpiece Police Quest 4 post.

Sppiler summary: the killer ends up being not any of the suspects that evidence points to, but someone you've never heard of before. You catch them not by any kind of detective work, but by lassoing a random stray dog and letting it drag you all over the city (to wacky rodeo music) before it drops you off at the killer's house.

You are armed with a gun and baton, but must must defeat the killer with hairspray and a lighter.

Nominal - 2021-12-27

And how quaint now do all the "you broke the rules" game overs look like now?

Shoot a crazy man charging you, screaming that he's going to kill you? Game over! Restrain yourself! You're a professional!

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-12-28

All police in US should be required to beat police quest 1 through 3 to be admitted. It would filter out any impatient people.

BiggerJ - 2021-12-27

The ways in which this game goes completely off the rails can be esaily explained by the series' behind-the-scenes history.

Police Quest 1 through 3 were helmed by Jim Walls, a cop who became traumatized and quit after a shootout. This would handily explain why the games strictly enforce the rules and hand out game overs like Roberta Williams on crack.

This game, Police Quest 4, was instead helmed by Daryl F. Gates, creator of the first SWAT teams (indeed, the Police Quest series evolvedi nto the SWAT series). Even the slightest bit of research will reveal that the F may as well stand for Fucking.

Nominal - 2021-12-27

Also part of Feyd's post:

"I can see how the L.A. riots happened on Gates' watch. Perhaps his officers were looking for a piece of candy inside Rodney King's head, a piece of candy that they would feed to a song bird so that it would fetch a key inside its nest.

Nominal - 2021-12-27

and don't forget he was also one of the founders of (fucking) D.A.R.E.

At least he would go on to deservedly die of piss cancer.

Nominal - 2021-12-28

Another procedure rule from PG1-3 that seemed unrealistic: telling you that cops always approach traffic stops from the passenger side.

I've NEVER seen that done.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-12-28

I think of Sierra as the progenitor of AAA games. Massive budgets, loads of marketing, nice box, tonnes and tonnes of work put into art assets and so on, all misguided waste in service of a terribly designed game.

jangbones - 2021-12-28



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