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Comment count is 7
TeenerTot - 2022-04-09

"illegal drugs and Democrats"


Cena_mark - 2022-04-09

"It's Mexico's fault my mom's a junkie" - The party of individual responsibility.

exy - 2022-04-09

How many election cycles before we get an honest-to-goodness "Sieg heil"? No "I was just waving to my new Prezzy" flim-flam denials, but with a follow-up double-down instead? 1? 2?

exy - 2022-04-09

has THIS ever happened to YOU ?

(brown person sits at lunch counter)

ashtar. - 2022-04-10

I support building a wall around Ohio.

ashtar. - 2022-04-10

Like everyone on the real neo-fascist, Peter Thiel funded, faux populist, thinking about converting to Catholicism but doesn't actually believe in God wing of the GOP, he has zero swag or connection to the working class people he claims to represent. Trump won because he has insane vibes, not normie "i work in venture capital" cuck vibes. When American fascists actually take over, their leader will be like The Situation or someone, not one of these tryhard dorks.

ashtar. - 2022-04-10

Like, he's not even authentically racist. He's doing that for votes.

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