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Comment count is 9
erratic - 2007-06-29

go kill yourself on a private road

zatojones - 2007-06-29


smoothbrain - 2007-06-29

People like you guys suck all the fun out of life.

SolRo - 2007-06-29

I want to see the pictures when he splatters himself against some SUVs rear end.

+1 star because it doesn't look like he's riding in socal, so I won't have to sit through the traffic his messy death will cause.

bopeton - 2007-06-29

I'd ride it. Ignore these pussies.

takewithfood - 2007-06-29

If I was still 8 years-old I might not think this was boring and embarrassing. This is just the adult equivalent of toddlers on a tricycle shouting "Mom! Mom, watch how fast I can go! Are you watching? Mooooom!"

Dirkd23 - 2007-08-14


... you live -once- you dipshits, you either schlepp to the finish line in withering bags of regret, or you blaze across it in a fireball of molten glory.

Kaoss is well known in florida btw, for his bike thats done a few 220+mph pulls. These are not 21yr old kids you're watching, you can find plenty of that shit on youtube, but this is not that situation.


Billy the Poet - 2012-08-17

Motorcycles are mostly for emotionally-stunded man children.

Billy the Poet - 2012-08-17


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