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Desc:'Hogging is a practice of achieving masculinity,' Megan told BuzzFeed.
Category:Horror, Crime
Tags:buzzfeed, Megan Mapes, Hogging, oinking, Fat Studies
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Comment count is 14
Pillager - 2022-05-24

Should I submit the classic fratire short film "Who banged Bertha the Blimp?"

casualcollapse - 2022-05-24


Lef - 2022-05-24

Imagine having friends you plan this type of thing with, giving them a key to your place, and they all file in once you give them the sign.

Yes, people are shit, but this does not pass the smell test as common occurance.

Fat studies? Sire, can totally be a thing, because people study stupid stuff, and as valuable as it sounds.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-05-24

I thought hogging was just a tvtrope?

Meerkat - 2022-05-24

I am kind of surprised it's called Fat Studies and not Body Image Reconciliation / Persecution Studies (aka BIRPS)

Lef - 2022-05-25

Sire, I offer party hat

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-26

Really? "The skeptical guy"?

SolRo - 2022-05-26

Guy that looks like him really shouldn’t be trying to make a “cringe reaction” channel.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-26

I think it's safe to assume that he's the same guy from the "Blizzard's WORST Attempt To Recover From The Scandal" video, without the obvious long hair wig, and with an equally obvious fake mustache.

Apparently, I have been misspelling "mustache" for almost 60 years. THANKS, GRAMMARLY!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-26

Speak as an old man who finds the future scary, Tik Tok is truly the most terrifying thing on the internet these days, because it pulls out all the stops toward connectivity and engagement. It's like Zuckerberg without the warmth, or the empathy, or the accountability.

Sarah Z:The Horrifying Panopticon of West Elm Caleb


In 2009, Boxxy was harassed and terrorized because of YouTube and 4Chan. What happened to her was, of course, far creepier than what happened to West Elm Caleb on TikTok, but West Elm Caleb went far more viral. According to Sarah Z, in a few weeks, West Elm Caleb got far more traffic than Boxxy has gotten over 13 years. Catie's most popular video never got more than 50 million views, in fact, it may be closer to 30 million. In no time, people were vlogging or sharing posts about Caleb in the hundreds of millions. Of course, these numbers don't really measure the same things, so the comparison may be misleading, but I am terrified by the fact that every goddamn app n my goddamn phone contains an ad for TikTok.

Fuk TikTok. TikTok can Suk my Dik.

Pillager - 2022-05-27

Is Boxxy in the room with us right now?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-27

Boxxy turned 30 last month, and as far as I know, has left the public internet. She's gone off somewhere to be an adult. Must be nice, right?

Pillager - 2022-05-27

Sir, this is a Wendy's. Not your therapist's office.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-07-26

>>>>Is Boxxy in the room with us right now?

No she's not. In fact, you and I aren't in a room together right now. There is no room.

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