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Comment count is 10
Lef - 2022-05-27

It's true.

The cops needed a negotiator to talk some sense into that crazy nutsack.
The cops needed more tazers to zap parents freaking out that their kids are probably dead.

I think the cops also need brown paper bags to put over their heads in shame.

Cena_mark - 2022-05-27

Police simps are among the lamest groups created for the culture wars.

Cena_mark - 2022-05-27

Police simp, police simp,
Whatcha gonna do.
Whatcha gonna do when he lectures you
Police simp, police simp
Watcha gonna do
Gonna wave a flag with a stripe of blue

ashtar. - 2022-05-27

"1. Prior to the Columbine High school tragedy a more traditional response was used when responding to an active threat. First responding LEOs would arrive and establish a perimeter, attempt to contain the situation and wait for SWAT or ERT to arrive.
2. Since the Columbine incident, law enforcement has adopted a more nontraditional response. Upon arrival, the first responding LEOs quickly evaluate the situation and initiate an immediate entry. Their objective is to effectively locate, isolate, contain and/or eliminate the active threat. This type of response has proven to be more effective in minimizing the loss of life."

From the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center curriculum. This is generally considered best practice and how most cops are trained.

ashtar. - 2022-05-27

You're probably not going to kill this guy with your pistol. But if he's focused on you, he's not focused on civilians.

SolRo - 2022-05-27

Hey now, you sound like you’re expecting cops to risk their lives to protect kids.

Robin Kestrel - 2022-05-28


SolRo - 2022-05-27

Thanks, Officer Tom.

Robin Kestrel - 2022-05-28

The only thing that can stop this now is A Good Child With A Gun.

SolRo - 2022-05-28

Plenty of room in a lunch box for a small .22

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