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Comment count is 32
revdrew - 2007-07-07

This needs to happen more. Way more.

Billings - 2007-07-07

"You know what she's sitting there thinking? 'How do I further the kingdom of God in heaven?'"


Urburos - 2007-07-07

This is the future, god damnit.

Hooper_X - 2007-07-07

Dude, this is one of the best things I have ever seen an anchor do. Fuck the Paris Hilton story.

Hooker - 2007-07-07

I've never been so turned on by such an unattractive news anchor before.

Colonel Cowlung - 2007-07-08

I want to put my Ding Dong in Mika's Ho Ho.

If she hates her job so much, she should have walked away. That's what needs to happen more.

jihadbaby - 2007-07-07

"Let's dismiss Paris Hilton's popularity by making a big fuss about her. This way, surely no one will ever mention her name again. WE ALL LOVE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!"

Hooker - 2007-07-07

Because running the story wouldn't have added to Paris' exposure?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-07

Buh bye!

Xiphias - 2007-07-07

Holy fuck. You could power a car with the interpersonal dynamics of that morning show.

KnowFuture - 2007-07-07


Ashenblade - 2007-07-07

I think they were trying to make her head explode.

jihadbaby - 2007-07-07

Hooker, if they had ran the story that would have been that. This emotional bullshit, on the other hand has been broadcast all over the world. I saw it on Italian tv.

Remember! Paris Hilton is like the hydra, you cut off one of her heads, ten more pop out!!!

Xenocide - 2007-07-08

Proof that you can keep your integrity but still lose all your dignity.

baleen - 2007-07-08

I love this woman.

Camonk - 2007-07-08

Wow. Those were TV news personalities with actual personalities. If every morning is like this, then I'm missing one hell of a show.

boner - 2007-07-08

She must be under the impression that MSNBC gives a crap about the news.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-07-08

This is possibly the best show ever. Can all morning shows be like this?

NoCode - 2007-07-10

I demand a morning show like this in my market.

"Unhand me!"

bopeton - 2007-07-14

Hooray for standing up to Paris Hilton bullshit. I want to have her babies.

Severian - 2007-07-14

I liked her attitude, but it did nothing to reduce the Paris overexposure. It was still all about her.

Dib - 2007-07-14

A tantrum? Fuck that, let this be known as the day somebody on a popular news program finally put their foot down.

tamago - 2007-07-19

Well, I admire her conviction.

ashtar. - 2007-07-27

Morning Joe: We fired Imus, but we can still have people doing WACKY unexpected things and bitching at each other in our morning show. Sill, less Paris Hilton is less Paris Hilton.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-05-15

unless, of course, it's more Paris Hilton

Pie Boy - 2007-08-01

Apparently morning news people have souls. Interesting.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-17

She has a personality and standards, of course she'll never make it in her business.

theFlu - 2007-09-19

Her stance is admirable, yet her actions are too self-servingly dramatic -- "look what a bold stance I took!!"

FABIO2 - 2007-11-08

Fuck that "she just gave Paris more exposure".

Paris gets exposure anyway. Stuff like gives gets exposure to the fact that this should not be accepted as news.

Gwago - 2007-11-14

I love how they're just trying to piss her off.

caseyt - 2008-06-28

GO MIKA! That is STRANGLY Erotic to me!

Wombles - 2011-07-08

"You're not a journalist"

Followed by;

"No, I want to lead with the Paris Hilton story."

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