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Desc:Anyone make pickles? I’m trying the pussy quick pickle version of this.
Category:Food, Educational
Tags:Japan, pickles, All videos of this are Japanese housewives
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Comment count is 12
The Mothership - 2022-08-14

Japanese housewives tag?

yogarfield - 2022-08-14

No need for a knock on quick pickling, that shit is bomb!

Carrots, peppers, radishes, don't skimp on the coriander seeds and you've got some taco toppings for a week or two.

SolRo - 2022-08-14

True. My latest batch was pretty good. I didn’t use enough salt the first time I tried.

I still want to try fermentation though, just to compare.

yogarfield - 2022-08-14

Disinfect everything and then make a POETV original! I know we disagree on lots of things, but I'm a life-long kitchen dork and I'm curious about this.

SolRo - 2022-08-15

Alright I ordered a small ferment jar and some starter, I’ll report results in a couple weeks

yogarfield - 2022-08-15

If you get into it, I highly recommend Smoke and Pickles by Edward Lee. He's got a pickled bourbon jalapeno recipe that's fucking amazing. I'll get you a shot of it when I get home.

glasseye - 2022-08-17

I've made kimchi a bunch of times; it's like alchemy! The salted shrimp stuff smells so gross once it's rehydrated, but after fermenting there isn't even a hint of it.

SolRo - 2022-08-18

Shrimp paste, fish sauce and chili oil are all so addictive.

SolRo - 2022-08-21

Test in progress.

Made one big batch and split into two, one will ferment with some starter and the other will be in the fridge.

casualcollapse - 2022-08-14

Wonder if there's anything I can harvest from the city that wouldn't just be riddled with cancer

SolRo - 2022-08-15

I grew the red plant from seeds in a balcony planter (it is nowhere near that tall though)

SolRo - 2022-08-16

Also pretty sure that was a garden and not her foraging random wild plants.

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