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Comment count is 7
Crackersmack - 2022-08-19

100,000 more of these guys seems like a great use of money right now

Scrimmjob - 2022-08-19

In the world of cops state troopers are easily the biggest dick heads I've ever dealt with. I think the stupid hats they give them make them think they are military or something.

casualcollapse - 2022-08-19

Id much rather deal with a statie than local APD here in austin

ashtar. - 2022-08-19

well, if we’re not going to do anything about the actual causes of crime and homelessness, the homeowners who we’ve decided are the only votes worth pursuing are gonna demand we do something about the symptoms

I’m fine with more traffic cops though. People drive like assholes.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-08-19

Traffic enforcement, at least for speed, could have been automated 10 years ago with good tech standards and regulations. Why are cars capable of going faster than the highest limit on the entire continent even legal? Some cities required speed governors in the early days of cars; we should bring that back at least.

yogarfield - 2022-08-20

A: Does he say "You couldn't leave it alone could ya, you had to be a fuckin' American?"

B: State Police fucking suck. I got pulled over outside of Amarillo while going 5 over, and he put me in the front passenger seat of his car while he interrogated my girlfriend.

He then came back and literally fondled the butt of the shotgun in the holster between the seats while I corroborated all of her answers. This wasn't about 5 over, they just snipe people with out of state tags.

He then gave me a big slap on the chest and said he wasn't even writing a warning because I was "the spittin' image of Shooter Jennings". I had to google it later, and I was fucking insulted at how accurate it was.

Joke's on him though: I had a quarter underneath the spare.

Leviathant - 2022-08-24

Leopards ate my face

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