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Desc:He's gay, he's friendly, he's no sissy! Yes, this is real.
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:gay, Jean-Claude Van Damme, hitchiker
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 15
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-01

What the fuck

dead_cat - 2007-07-01

"That's right, you should have just let me molest you, Tuxman! HA HA HAHHH!"

What the hell is this clip from.

Hugo Gorilla - 2007-07-01

Monaco Forever.

Crucifried - 2007-07-01

"Hello, good sir. Would you like a ride in my penis car?"

Andonyx - 2007-07-01

Why is he wearing Luke Skywalker's outfit?

onemorepanic - 2007-07-01

Seduce me with karate kicks.

Namor - 2007-07-01

I must show this to people immediately.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-01

If you pick up a stranger and then grab his legs that many times, you really shouldn't be that surprised or angry if he calls you a faggot.

Pandatronic - 2007-07-01

Could've used more splits

Urburos - 2007-07-01

The ending is like the conclusion to a lot of Little Rascals skits.

Senator_Unger - 2007-07-01

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that was the shifter.

fluffy - 2007-07-01

The ending needs Yakkity Sax or something.

love - 2007-07-01

from the YT comments:

"The ignorance here is astounding Van Damme was a european full contact champion and he isn't even slightly gay."

Camonk - 2007-07-01

That was... mystifying. Plus, if guy can run that fast, he shouldn't have been walking all sad by the side of the road.

dementomstie - 2008-10-02

it looks like he should be saying "I'm not kicking you, I'm not kicking you!"

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