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Desc:I think it's not really up for debate that this is embarrassing to say the least.
Category:Military, Humor
Tags:russia, Ukraine, weeb, weebs, fuckin weebs
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 7
SolRo - 2022-10-20

Hanoi Hanna would not be impressed.

Crackersmack - 2022-10-20

history teaches us that the best cure for fascism is a bullet from a Russian rifle

Cena_mark - 2022-10-21

And Democrats are the real racists because they were the party of the Confederate south. That was a long time ago, so was WW2. Russia is fascist now

Crackersmack - 2022-10-21

democrats are racists because they fund cops and ukranazis over housing, healthcare, education, etc

SolRo - 2022-10-21

Ukraine assassinating civilian “collaborators” sounds kinda fashy to me.

But that didn’t happen today so doesn’t count, right cena?

Cena_mark - 2022-10-24

If they're collabors they're not civilians

Boomer The Dog - 2022-10-21

I tried this frequency, 4625 and couldn't pick up anything here, nothing at all was on it in Pennsylvania. I wonder who was jamming it? It looks like a well-behaved transmitter.

I don't know Bad Apple, is it like a 'Baby Shark' thing, and how does it taunt Russia?


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