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Comment count is 8
Meerkat - 2022-10-30

Mexico is pretty great even if your funds are challenged you can find a nice senora to marry for residency.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-10-30

I prefer the real USA.

I said, the *real* USA.


jfcaron_ca - 2022-10-30

Good video but you are doing your old thing of using the title and description field as comments. No one will ever know what this video is without clicking through to watch it, and our comments will be completely out of context if the video ever goes down. Please consider renaming the video and editing the description.

Nominal - 2022-10-31


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-10-31

But pithy title/descriptions are more likely to get 7 upvotes from ye pliable heedless bastards.

You could always make a comment recording the video's content for posterity @jfcaron or @Nominal

casualcollapse - 2022-10-31

done and done, but purp cat gets it as well

ashtar. - 2022-11-01

Yeahhh, that's always been the USA.

Has anyone ever written an alt-history WWII novel where the US went hard right and allied with Germany? Of all the "what if the Nazis won?" fictional scenarios, that actually seems the most plausible.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-11-01

"The Man in the High Castle" comes pretty close. The book was good, I haven't seen the movie (though they did film parts of it at my university and a bunch of students freaked out about unannounced Swastika flags on campus...)

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