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Comment count is 23
casualcollapse - 2022-11-06


casualcollapse - 2022-11-06

You dropped these king

garcet71283 - 2022-11-06

These are mostly for the 10 year old John Waters.

Also, did they make one of the kids eat dogshit?

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-07

Oh shit, Crackersmack is going to jerk his dick raw to this.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-07

it's pretty telling that your mind immediately goes to that

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-08

What's the matter? You're the one who said drag is a sexual fetish, nothing more. So you're attracted to this. WHat's wrong? Don't like being called a sexual predator for no reason? Maybe ou should stop doing it to othere, you fucking brainless cuck.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-08

I shouldn't be surprised that "inviting children to your sexual fetish event" would be such a controversial take here, but I guess it is.

What makes this extra amusing is that you all can't even defend your positions without melting down into juvenile shit. I could make your argument better than you are.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-08

to be clear the controversial take in question is "inviting children to your sexual fetish event is bad"

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-09

To be clear, that doesn't happen at drag story hour. You're just so sexually aroused by drag queens that you cannot accept that. You're too busy beating your dick and your war drum

Crackersmack - 2022-11-10

you think about my dick a whole lot

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-12

Nah. I just know that this is your sexual fetish. You admitted to it.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-07

you don't want to post any of the actual "drag storytime" events? there are videos of those on youtube too.

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-08

Do it, bitch.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-08

why waste my time when you'd just vote it down? because you can't defend it

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-09

In other words, there's no such video and you're a bitch.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-10

>>>>why waste my time when you'd just vote it down? because you can't defend it

God it really amazes me the way crackersmack complains that the Democrats wont take a stand on issues, but he loses his shit when Democrats support Trans rights.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-13

John this is about bringing kids to drag events so that the drag performers can involve the children in their sexual fetish, which most of civilized society would consider to be egregious child abuse. The 'trans rights' thread was on another video.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-11-07

I love the Devine skullcap.

pizzamerica - 2022-11-07

making kids say edgy stuff is kind of ugh

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-10

>>>to be clear the controversial take in question is "inviting children to your sexual fetish event is bad"

The controversial take is that something that doesn't involve any kind of sex is a "sexual fetish event". You're claiming that participants are experiencing "sexual gratification ", what is that? Does it entail arousal or orgasm?

We haven't gotten to the point of defending drag story hour. If you can tell us how children are harmed, I won't want to defend it. If you can't tell us how children are harmed, I won't need to defend it.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-13

John are you making the claim the men that cross dress *do not* do not receive sexual gratification from doing it?

Spike Jonez - 2022-11-13

Not necessarily. You, however, derive fast amounts of sexual excitement and gratification from it. Cross dresser doesn't equal transvestite, except in your diseased mind.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-13

Yeah I'm sure that some furries are into it for the love of community or whatever, but most reasonable people would be horrified at the idea of taking children to a furry event and letting them interact with and touch the furries.

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