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Comment count is 11
The Mothership - 2022-11-20

Brain damage is right, good god.

Also, why aren't there any good Fright Night clips here? Get to work, POETV.

Nominal - 2022-11-20

Because Fright Night honestly isn't that good?

Allow me to be that guy: Fright Night became obsolete the instant The Lost Boys came out.

Cena_mark - 2022-11-20

Fright night is way better than the Lost Boys.

love - 2022-11-20

fright night is so much better than lost boys

Nominal - 2022-11-21

If the guy who made a posting career out of playing the heel says it's true...

ashtar. - 2022-11-20

I kind of want him to win just because him having a national platform would provide entertainment for several years.

Crackersmack - 2022-11-20

America deserves Senator Herschel Walker. He could be best buddies with Feinstein.

Lef - 2022-11-21

Feinstein makes Herschel Walker look like a poet.

Gmork - 2022-11-20

Is this bad ADR? What is happening here?

And yeah, brain damage. Not in a "lets disparage sufferers of it" way, just as a small moment where you internally go, "oh, that's kinda sad".

However I will make the same tasteless joke about the people supporting him despite his obvious deficits as a candidate.

SolRo - 2022-11-22

The real truths The Globalists don’t want us to know!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-24

Never feed a werewolf after midnight.

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