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Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-02

Apologies I forgot to sign in again and submitted this to the hopper anonymously, so I am kicking myself (Chet I'm getting better I swear)

Testicles of Doom - 2007-07-02


While the Derrick Green era is mostly shit, the newest album "Dante XXI" is very, very good. He did have the the difficult task of joining a well established act.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-02

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be too hard on old Derek (it was the infighting between the Cavalera brothers that brought the group down), but I really miss the Max-era stuff.

It was the same thing with Blaze Bailey and Iron Maiden; everyone blamed poor Blaze for the overall shittiness of The X Factor and Virtual XI, but he really had nothing to do with either of them (fucking Steve Harris I am looking at YOU) and did the best he could

Stopheles - 2007-07-02

That may be true, and I don't blame Derek particularly, but there's no way that Sep could ever do better than ARISE or CHAOS A.D. or 2/3 of ROOTS, especially without one of the principal songwriters.

onemorepanic - 2007-07-03

Going to disagree. Arise through Roots are beautiful. But Max is a fucking cunt.

As in Soulfly.. Oh god, fucking Soulfly...

Also: Against has some amazing songs. Derrick Green holds his own fucking live. Hell, Max would blow his voice half way through every concert I've seen him play.

I gave up after Against. But I got bored of metal after High School. I should probably check out the later Green.

I have family that quit working for Roadrunner because of Max and his wife.

Dib - 2007-07-03

Derek is a pretty good vocalist, not a great band leader, and the band has clearly been coming apart since Max departed. Chaos AD is definitely going to be the pinnacle of their careers, but the new stuff wasn't bad just different. Igor departing though suggests it's time to disband the group entirely.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-07-05

Agreed, about disbanding.

In fact, if they had just abandoned the Sepultura name when Max left, they probably wouldn't even have the comparison.

But then again, the 3 of them had just as much right to use the Sep name since they all toured under the name together. If I was in a band that toured for ten years and then one dude quit, I'd say "Hell, no. I built this name too."

In conclusion, they should've just called themselves "Troops of Doom".

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