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Comment count is 7
garcet71283 - 2022-12-29

But why?

If I wanted someone or something else to play a game, I just wouldn’t play the game…

SolRo - 2022-12-29


That’s also the answer to many of life’s nonsensical questions.

Also; that mouse contraption wouldn’t really work as an aim bot because you still need to have control of the mouse to move characters in FPSs.

The appeal of aimbots is their ease of use…buy some software, install, configure it a bit and you’re set. Tryhards will still do convoluted setups like the ones described but buying a second computer just to run an aim bot would reduce casual use a good amount.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-29

Many people derive enjoyment from ruining others' enjoyment.

This is not a new problem.

Gmork - 2022-12-30

What on the mouse do you use to move the character? I just see WASD.

SolRo - 2022-12-30

WASD is forward/back and strafe left/right. Mouse is for turning left/right and looking up/down.

You still have to do inputs on the mouse to effectively move the character and scan for targets up or down (if you need a target on screen to get an aimbot to see it).

You -can- remap these functions to keys. But it’s going to be pretty obvious someone is cheating if they’re using 2 handed inputs on keys AND aiming a mouse with a third hand.

Gmork - 2023-01-06

Most hacks I've seen (modern ones) can toggle the cheats on/off during gameplay, so he likely has to clumsily use his captured mouse until he finds a nice camping spot, sets up, and then lets it do the work of aiming for him

Unless he made it easy to insert/remove the mouse from the contraption and play normally. I've seen countless examples of a cheater toggling their software off once they become scrutinized by people on the server, so both software toggle and simply taking off the mechanism might be how he gets around the hampering of his movement.

SolRo - 2023-01-06

The mechanical device is just not practical for real gameplay.

To be competitively good at modern games you need to be able to do close quarters combat and long range sniping. The mechanical cheat just wouldn’t work for that.

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