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Comment count is 7
Lef - 2023-01-09

Can do!

I was going to burn the corpse and scatter the ashes to the 4 winds, but the trash heap is easier.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-09

"Sleep all day"
"Just waitin' for the sun to set"

"I hang my clothes"
"Up on the line"

"When I die"
"I'll hang my head beside the willow tree"

"When I'm dead"
"Is when I'll be free"

"And you can take my body"
"Put it in a boat"

"Set it on fire"
"You can use the kerosene"

"Take my body"
"Put it in a boat"

"Light it on fire"
"And send it out to sea"

garcet71283 - 2023-01-10

Seems like a waste of a boat.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-10

It can be an old ratty boat you were going to throw away.

duck&cover - 2023-01-10

A real Diogenes.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-10

I just want to be thrown in a hole with a tree planted on top of me.

Unless I die rich.

Then I want to be plastinated and have my fortune put in a trust fund with the interest going to someone I hate.

But they can only collect so long as they take my preserved corpse around with them "Weekend at Bernie's" style wherever they go.

They can use a remote-controlled electric scooter to get me around.

I'm not a monster.

Lef - 2023-01-31

Binro, I like how you think.

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