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Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-02-01

I know Suzanne Ciani is the waifu of half of poetv and ye will not like this.
But her 1st album is mad experimental noise that I would never actually listen to.
And then the albums after that are super bland saccharine pop type stuff that I would never actually listen to.

Does she have any good albums?

Lef - 2023-02-01

She made music?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-02-03

I never heard of this woman, but even before I clicked, I asked myself: Could this be Xenon?

I love my memory. A good memory can make an uneventful life seem rich in retrospect. The way I remember it, I encountered this game at the boardwalk in Old Orchard Beach, Maine in the summer 1981. I was there with my girlfriend, and her sister and brother in law, who were visiting from Boston. It was one of the best days of my youth. That same evening, we saw Raiders of the Lost Arc, and ended up listening to a jazz guiitarist in the courtyard behind the Deli 1 in Portland.

I think I played Xenon once, but it wasn't until watching someone else play afterward that I realized how freaky the audio was. The machine would groan and sigh as you played. It was sexy or disturbing, depending, I guess, on how high you were. I don't know if that sounds weird, but it was weird as hell in 1981. This was when no one was playing pinball. It was all video games in the early 80s.

And apparently, it was her voice? What a wonderful surprise! I just can't stay mad at you, internet!

Scrimmjob - 2023-02-07

I'll preface this by saying I wouldn't be alive for a few more years in 1981. Xenon is not a particularly good pinball machine, but it's saved by the audio, it makes the game!

There was this sweet spot in the 80's for awesome audio design in pinball games. Space Station is a C- table that goes up to an A for me just for the music and voice work.

ashtar. - 2023-02-03

Well I guess I want to fuck that pinball machine now.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-02-04

This may need a "videodrome" tag

Nominal - 2023-02-05

Her babbling reminds me of the Apocalypse Now playboy bunny director's cut scene where Lance is body painting her.

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