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Comment count is 5
yogarfield - 2023-02-11

Tipped the scales for a one star.

casualcollapse - 2023-02-11

bravely rated and reviewed
heres a cookie

yogarfield - 2023-02-11

I still don't get the R&M fanboys. Season one was alright, but it got boring pretty quick. Multiverse scenarios tend to stagnate pretty quickly because it's a crutch for lazy writing.

It was clear that Rick was Dan Harmon writing himself in as an autobiographical god figure (find his drunken deleted tweets), and the Roiland fiasco should be unsurprising to anyone, because the original version of the show was literally Rick trying to trick Morty into licking his balls.

Plus that whole Burger King thing was cringe af.

There's your review, you can keep the cookie because I don't really do sweets.

garcet71283 - 2023-02-11

Show was good, fandom was the worst the world had to offer and the creators are human garbage.

So alright by TV standards.

Gmork - 2023-02-13

Yogarfield is right - and also some of the show was good even past season 1.

Are the creators human garbage? I feel like justin sucks, but that dan doesn't deserve to be in the same category. Flawed and warty as he is, I appreciated that Dan told on himself in a really uncomfortable and embarrassing way on his own show. Absolutely didn't try to make himself look good. He acknowledged what happened took responsibility and it felt contrite. He had power over someone in a working relationship and treated them poorly because he resented that he knew he couldn't pursue them romantically. Justin is accused of assault and false imprisonment.

And here I was hoping he was just a self-destructive kind of person. Hearing him on podcasts makes you wonder where the act ends, but all accounts say he's just.. like that. 24/7.

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