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Comment count is 21
Cena_mark - 2023-02-06

They keep playing off the intellectually lazy gambit of declaring criticism towards Israel as anti-semetic. The GOP doensn't support Israel for any love of the Jewish people, it all boils down to appeasing evangelicals and making their Left Behind fanfics become reality.

SolRo - 2023-02-06

The campaign donations aren’t bad either.

Hence why so many democrats parrot the same apartheid apologist shit.

Amos - 2023-02-06

Theater kid occupied government

Lef - 2023-02-07

Theatre kids.

The house is full of loons.

Nominal - 2023-02-07

Amos and Halsey: the madcap radio serial about two of the shittiest humans here

Albuquerque Halsey - 2023-02-07

I'm a shitty person because I don't like a politician pandering to their constituents by acting like a character from "Showboat"

Lef - 2023-02-09

You should cut Nominal some slack, he has a very difficult life due to his condition.

casualcollapse - 2023-02-07

You have to fight fire with fire folks, I’m tired of the Overton window shifting so fucking fast towards the right

mon666ster - 2023-02-07

I mean, she's right you know.

SolRo - 2023-02-07

But she’s not saying it as an old white guy names
Burnie so I’m not comfortable watching her!

Gmork - 2023-02-07

things that nobody has ever said

who even talks like that

ashtar. - 2023-02-07

I'm sort of tired of the left finding things to be mad at her about. She's fine. She's not the messiah, and she could be better, but she's one of the better nationally elected people.

Cena_mark - 2023-02-07

Funny to balance the idea of the right holding her as a Marxist commie, while the left sees her as a corporate sellout

Crackersmack - 2023-02-08

she's Nancy Pelosi Jr but she gives you just enough leftish theater and is just attractive enough that a bunch of marks will deny it

Lef - 2023-02-10

Crackersmack is above the target!

I would add that AOC is not as insanely corrupt as Pelosi, has not made as much money with insider trading, and does not have a crime boss for a father.

Might be of interest to look into Pelosi's dad, and how JFK was investigating him for corrution.

And when the vodka fueled beast is sober, also significatly smarter than the pretty new girl.

casualcollapse - 2023-02-10

Why can’t you folks on the right talk about a woman without bringing up her looks, it’s fucking disgusting and shows your true colors

Crackersmack - 2023-02-10

she's legitimately pretty hot, this is not controversial

Lef - 2023-02-11

If we're talking looks, have you seen the size of Pelosi's jugs? AOC's not even in the same league!

Crackersmack - 2023-02-11

bro AOC has big ol' jugs and they are almost definitely naturals unlike Pelosi's which were probably bolted on in the 1980s and look like a horror show now

Crab Mentality - 2023-02-13

Don't try to distract us, we're still waiting on your trip report of injecting fentanyl directly into your jugular, you fucking coward

Crab Mentality - 2023-02-13


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