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Comment count is 12
ashtar. - 2023-02-08

I am opposed to the last war! Boo! last war was bad!

But new war is different! The Dictator is a Bad Guy! What about the human rights? The Freedom Fighters are Good Guys and certainly not kind of evil too. It's just a coincidence that all the media has endless stories humanizing one group and demonizing the other group, and that this ultimately serves the strategic and economic interests of the ruling class!

casualcollapse - 2023-02-08

You never have to wind a war machine back up if it never gets wound down

casualcollapse - 2023-02-08

Stay on topic, the military industrial complex is another beast entirely

SolRo - 2023-02-09

Not really.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-09

Our enemy is always Cartoon Satan, who does evil just because he is evil, and not for any other reasons.

SolRo - 2023-02-09

Correction; “Because he hates our freedom”

snothouse - 2023-02-09

Speed it up, would ya? I haven't got all day!

yogarfield - 2023-02-11

Calling it now: Manufactured consent will be automatized. Shout out to all of the idiots that have been playing stupid AI games in various fields for the past several years.

I went on about this for ages when Adobe went CC, and fellow professionals treated it like I was on some Alex Jones shit.

I'll go on about it now to any creative that is dumb enough to say "If this worries you, you're just not good enough".

CC is when they launched Sensei, and it has been analyzing and ranking industry pros for almost a decade. When they let go of the leash on that bitch, it's going to be a swift kick up the hindhole for the careers of countless people.

casualcollapse - 2023-02-11

What are you talking about sensai being that off the leash, there's so much information but they're so little context for what you said I really would appreciate if you would say more on the subject and be specific and drill down

yogarfield - 2023-02-11

What? I was saying they haven't let that bitch off the leash yet. In a couple years, anybody who has spent a few decades learning the Adobe suite might as well not bothered. Unless they have a name or loyal clients, they will be as irrelevant as coal miners.

The enduser will be able to generate a swatch of thousands of possible outcomes in short time, and the actually talented folk that have helped feed Sensei will become unfortunate middlemen. I take it you've never worked with a picky client?

Trust me, Adobe has big fucking plans for Sensei. The same goes for all of these other creative AI engines - hey are only in their infancy, and machine learning tends to do that whole exponential growth thing.

SolRo - 2023-02-12

TL;DR all the “creatives” who’ve been telling factory workers and makers of physical items to go learn to code when their job got automated or outsourced are now facing the same crisis.

yogarfield - 2023-02-12

Yup. I was mostly talking specifically about anybody who uses PS, Pr, AE, Ai, etc for work in media, but half-coding has been a thing for a while.

If you're actually interested in it, there are a few engines that should be scaring the shit out of a lot of tech folk. The Coherence no-code engine has a lot of people shitting their pants.

When these things peak, there will be a massive jobless spike. I give it a couple years.

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