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Comment count is 9
Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-02

On the one hand, I'm glad they're okay.

On the other hand, I'm not bothered as much when someone dies doing stupid shit.

Especially when part of the appeal they find in doing stupid shit is a real risk of dying while doing said stupid shit.

Cena_mark - 2023-04-04

I wouldn't say they were being stupid. Thew knew the risks and came prepared. They used the buddy system and had a rescue kit.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-05

Doesn't make the shit they did less stupid.

"I fully expect this sleeping bear to attack me when I poke it with a broom handle. That's why I'm wearing really thick clothes and brought a first aid kit."

Cena_mark - 2023-04-05

People like mountain top skiing. I don't get the anger towards it. What is life without risks? Especially risks that can be mitigated.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-05

I'm not angry, I just think it's dangerous and that if you knowingly engage in a dangerous activity for amusement and get hurt or killed, it's not as big a tragedy.

It's still tragic, but not AS tragic.

SolRo - 2023-04-02

They’re starting to fight back!

Robin Kestrel - 2023-04-03


Cena_mark - 2023-04-04

There's a hole in my heart
As deep as a tree well
For that poor snowboarder
Who's stuck halfway to Hell.

Though we can't get him out
We'll do the next best thing.

We go on TV and sing, sing, siiing!

And we're sending our love down the tree well!

All the way dooown!

We're sending our love down the tree well!

Down that tree well!

jfcaron_ca - 2023-04-07

For skiers in the Pacific Northwest, Mount Baker resort and its sidecountry is known as *the* place to die in a tree well. It's a hazard at other high-snowfall resorts but somehow at Mt. Baker it's probably the biggest hazard entirely if you ski off-piste (compared to e.g. avalanche or falling off a cliff at Whistler).

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