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Comment count is 13
FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-07-03

I see what you did there.

Aelric - 2007-07-03

settle down there, sting.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-04

I don't give two shits about Dune, but making "crazy flying fat guy" a link-enabled tag is worth five stars.

Aernaroth2 - 2007-07-04

He'd probably have better complexion if he stopped covering himself in oil and slave blood.

kiint - 2007-07-04


Merzbau - 2007-07-04

The script sucks, some of the acting is laughable, but DAMN did this movie have wonderful production design.

kingarthur - 2007-07-04

Some things:

1.This is the worst movie ever put to film.

2.Jodorowsky was originally supposed to make it in the 70s, but Frank herbert got his panties in a wad over it and the project was killed, which is unfortunate because the production design was supposed to be done by H.R. Geiger and Moebius. Jodorowsky was overjoyed that this version sucked as bad as it did.

3. The fat man killed and raped Dave Foley AT THE SAME TIME.

4. Sting has no control over his eyebrows.

5. Is that Meat Loaf?

6. Brad Dourif was apparently told not to act in this scene.

Doomstein - 2007-07-04

Yeah. from what I've read on Wiki, the Jodorowski version would have been fucking insane.

Jodorowsky began working in 1975 on an adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune. The project was intended to involve his son Brontis (Paul), Orson Welles as the Baron, Salvador Dalí as the Emperor, Mick Jagger as Feyd Rautha, Alain Delon as Duncan Idaho, Geraldine Chaplin as Lady Jessica, Dan O'Bannon for the script, Chris Foss, Pink Floyd, H.R. Giger and Jean Giraud (Mœbius).

Senator_Unger - 2007-07-04

I think this is the only time David Lynch and Toto have ever collaborated on a project.

Cube - 2007-07-04

As a clip, this is just too long to get interested about.

Feyd - 2007-07-05

What, no "I brought you a cat, Thufir?" You can't have totally overblown and nonsensical crazy without the cat/rat milking contraption.

athodyd - 2007-10-09

Feyd looks so awkward at the end, and I'm not sure if it's just good acting or Sting realizing what the hell he's gotten into.

Spastic Avenger - 2007-11-08

Harkonnen is distinctly different in the books.

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