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Comment count is 7
Nominal - 2023-05-18

Killer spiders, Rupert Murdoch, Yahoo Serious, The Wiggles

Why do all the worst things come from Australia?

Cena_mark - 2023-05-18

Bluey and Vegemite are awesome.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-05-18

I kinda dont get why there is media / entertainment products aimed at babies. Like just give them a cardboard box or something and they will be happy... Also I do get why: capitalism: do *anything* that can make money.. I guess what I dont get is why the parents pay for this shit.

Nominal - 2023-05-18

My cousins insisted on a lake cabin for an extended family reunion a couple years in a row. Paw Patrol would be blasted on the TV for their toddlers ALL day EVERY day.

The 2nd year, I just stayed at a cheap motel a mile away =(

Cena_mark - 2023-05-19

You should remind those kids that Paw Patrol is fascist copaganda.

Cena_mark - 2023-05-18

I just don't get why they put so much effort into a trackless system when the ride had such a basic layout. Especially considering the slow ass speed of the cars. It's not a ride if I can walk faster than it. They should have just put in the traditional track (their target audience wouldn't care) and use the money saved to enhance the other aspects of the ride.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-05-18

Boner and I were watching this while very stoned and we both started singing "Dragula" and that's where the Wiggles Dragula video came from.

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