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Comment count is 18
Xenocide - 2007-07-05

Informative and entertaining. Plus, you know the guy's smart because he looks like Charles Darwin.

Shion - 2007-07-05

Always +5 for Randi.

boner - 2007-07-05

Well I think it does work, though like so many therapies it's just the placebo effect.

Xiphias - 2007-07-05

But all that means is that the placebo effect works. The "medicine" doesn't DO anything. It's not like you're taking placebo particles.

boner - 2007-07-05

Yeah and it kind of sucks that if you know it's a placebo then it doesn't work anymore... I think.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-09-18

I believe you're referencing the "Forward-Momentum Sky-Coyote" theorem, wherein a coyote (often Wily) will lose his non-existent footing the moment he realizes it is non-existent. Ka-blooie.

fluffy - 2007-07-05

Loses a star for the abrupt truncated ending. However it still has like 2947 stars after that.

Old_Zircon - 2009-08-27

10^1050 - 1 stars

EvilHomer - 2007-07-05

+100,000 for Randi, -99,995 for taking 15 minutes to explain the obvious. The Youtube comments are a laugh riot, too.

"Breakthrough medicine! No side effects- that's true."

Camonk - 2007-07-05

Yeah, but if you get lucky and do happen to get that one atom of active ingredient, you are in for one good sleep, Randi.

NoCode - 2007-07-07

Next time my superstitious friend suggests I go to a homeopath instead of one of those EVIL MONEY-GRUBBING DOCTORS, I am sending her this video.

Stopheles - 2007-07-08

Like shooting fish in a barrel full of water with a single atom of acetominophen in it.

StanleyPain - 2007-07-21

I respect what Randi tries to do, but his approach has become increasingly less clinical and precise and more about belittling and making fun of what he's trying to debunk. This is a bad, BAD scientific approach. Thinking homeopathy is stupid is one thing...fine. But it must presented to the audience with maturity as something people take very seriously, then deconstructed and debunked in the same, cold, serious, accurate manner. Make fun of it later...but first, act like a scientific mind approaching the disproving of a theorem, not some fucking pretentious know-it-all.

Exegesis_Saves - 2007-08-12

Yes, because no subject is worthy of scorn, rather than actual debate.

(Chooka chooka chooka)

oogaBooga - 2008-05-28

Oh randi, you're so charming.

citrusmirakel - 2007-09-24


Keefu - 2008-12-02

James Randi is the closest thing we have to a scientific Batman.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-11

2 hours too short. If James Randi lives forever I think we'll be all right as a society.

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