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Comment count is 11
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-06-27

Is there a correlation between how fucked up a country is and how hot their news reporters are?

casualcollapse - 2023-06-27

Yes, of course, you need the hottest newscasters to distract from the abject misery in Russia, per state guidelines

ashtar. - 2023-06-27

American news casters would be hotter if this were true.

SolRo - 2023-06-27

I’m sorry, but are you ladies just blind to how every American TV news outlet only allows supermodel level women on air?

ashtar. - 2023-06-27

We are leagues behind Mexico.

Robin Kestrel - 2023-06-27

Hey! That comes out of my paycheck!

duck&cover - 2023-06-27

"Give me back my show!"

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-28

How do you say, "Dis mine naow!" in Russian?

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-06-28

The footage cut away too soon to witness two other dogs running by with turntables.

Nominal - 2023-07-01

From good boy to gulag.

ashtar. - 2023-07-01

Looks like we found a brave cosmonaut.

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