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Comment count is 11
casualcollapse - 2023-07-03

Cool cool cool

Jeriko-1 - 2023-07-03

Adam Sandler needs to spoof this like yesterday.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-03

Bad move, America became sick of twee ukulele girls back in 2016.

BHWW - 2023-07-03

And yet they persist.

yogarfield - 2023-07-04

@cena That is a very, very generous expiration date.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-04

Rebecca Sugar gets a pass.

ashtar. - 2023-07-04

Just issue a bland denial and wait for people to move on. People have the attention span of gnats, it doesn't take long. Getting invested just keeps attention on you.

Lef - 2023-07-04

"just keeps attention on you"

She knew full well what she was doing with that response.

ashtar. - 2023-07-04

I hadn't heard of her before this, so I guess she's getting more famous. It might be difficult to monetize it.

The allegations weren't really that bad. Like, mild flirting with a couple 15-17 year old fans in a chat. Not good, but not really a huge deal. The virality of this video cements her as that "crazy ukulele pedophile."

Spike Jonez - 2023-07-05

That's the thing, she thought that since she hadn't molested kids, it was okay, so this would only drum up views on her videos. She was told not to do this, but felt like she knew more than everybody and that since she was "innocent" everything would be okay. Like Ashtar said, now she's just "crazy ukulele pedophile"

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-07-05

This must be that DARVO thing all the kids are into now.

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