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Comment count is 16
SolRo - 2023-07-10

Missing billionaires tag

Lef - 2023-07-10


SolRo - 2023-07-10

Unfortunately Soros spends most of his money destabilizing “undemocratic” foreign countries while the right wing fascists finish taking over America

Cena_mark - 2023-07-10

The right just shouts "SOROS, SOROS, SOROS!!!" While acting like right wing billionaires don't exist. GOP causes get far more billionaire bucks than the Dems.

Crackersmack - 2023-07-10

is that even true anymore, especially in a post-2016 America? Clinton said “You know, I love having the support of real billionaires. And they’ve been speaking out, because Donald gives a bad name to billionaires."

SolRo - 2023-07-10

There are a handful of left leaning billionaires who don’t spend money on astroturfing but do give some to candidates, which isn’t anywhere on the scale of what the right wing fascists billionaires are doing, including bribing SCOTUS judges

Crackersmack - 2023-07-10

not talking about 'left leaning billionaires' (because there is no such thing) just regular old evil billionaires. pretty sure the Dem Party is theirs now too

SolRo - 2023-07-10

Left leaning meaning trying to end diseases and reduce 3rd world poverty to stroke their own egos VS the Mr Burns types fighting to legalize corporate slavery and the kicking of puppies

Crackersmack - 2023-07-10

come on man you know that none of those fucks are trying to reduce diseases or do anything about poverty, anything that looks like that is just a cleverly disguised way for them to make more money somehow. they aren't good people. you don't get a billion dollars without a whole lot of broken people and generationally impoverished families in your wake

teethsalad - 2023-07-11

yeah all they do is waste their money on superfluous bourgeois shit like boats and boating

Crackersmack - 2023-07-11

lol billionaires wouldn't use the boats I work on even as tenders for their yachts.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-10

They're so bad faith about it that they TAKE INTO ACCOUNT your shame for wishing an eternity of torment in Hell on them. That's baked right in. "We'll make you want to believe in God only so you can pray to kill your political opponents exactly like we do AND NOW YOU'RE ONE OF US HAR HAR HAR."

Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-10

I often feel like I'm watching a game of Jenga where more and more pieces are getting pulled from the bottom and stacked on top.

The tower is really starting to sway. and when it collapses, there will be ruin & chaos and a lot of people will be hurt.

People who don't have yachts and private planes with which to flee the falling tower.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-10

It doesn't matter. They'll vote Republican forever. They'll vote Republican with their last dying breath. They'll vote Republican with a gun to their heads. If Jesus and Joseph Smith came in tomorrow stapled to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and told them to stop voting Republican, they'd call all three gay and demand to see their record on abortion.

Crackersmack - 2023-07-10

because there's nothing else to vote for or against except the culture war shit.

regardless of which party is in power there will be no material difference in their lives, everything will get shittier at roughly the same pace, none of their actual problems will get addressed. they are a population to be policed, not repaired and definitely not improved.

so most people check out of the process entirely, and what remains are weirdos and cranks and their various obsessions. like how so much of politics is pro or anti trans shit now

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-13

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there it was. The dorky part at the end.

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