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Cena_mark - 2023-07-14

I went down this rabbit hole because I've been watching this channel,
Dude explains weapons and shows movie and tv clips of them in action. Some of these anime clips kept popping up and I wondered why are there so many animes like this.
This one is weird because in this universe girl's tank battles is a popular highschool and college sport. Apparently the girls can't die because special tank lining and shells, even though the shells clearly destroy things like buildings.

SolRo - 2023-07-14

You are but at the very tip of the Schoolgirl Military Industrial Complex iceberg

In general it exists because using schoolgirls to weeb out about Japanese WW2 military hardware is a lot more palatable than using real history.

Also merchandising!

Cena_mark - 2023-07-14

Anime that focuses on gear has an odd contrast between the simplicity of the characters and backgrounds and the extreme detail of the gear involved. Like in K-On, simplistically drawn anime girl, but let's get that Les Paul as photo accurate as possible. It makes sense about the weebing about military hardware. Americans can just enjoy WWII at face value with a feeling of pride, while it's more complicated for the Japanese, yet less complicated than being a German WWII weeb. This lets them enjoy cool tanks without the shame of defeat and the accusations of atrocities.

garcet71283 - 2023-07-14

it’s not like that anime with the big tiddied anthropomorphized battleships.

Withholding a star until I see a fuckable Jagdpanzer IV

Cena_mark - 2023-07-14

I put the anthropomorphized battleship anime in the hopper as well.

SolRo - 2023-07-14


garcet71283 - 2023-07-15

You found that disturbingly quick SolRo.

SolRo - 2023-07-15

It’s Japan.

If you think you have a weird fetish someone already made hentai of it long ago.

Nominal - 2023-07-17

All of these "schoolgirl military fetishism" animes use the ridiculous premise as a screen for the most aggressively generic and bland schoolgirl drama-lite animes possible.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-18

That's cause they're not really about war.

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