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Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-21

Must see.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-24

Just checked out the first episode. I love the surrealism and the lead is excellent.

yogarfield - 2023-07-22

I was so feeling this until the BMX scene, lol.

I've rode bmx for so long that I can tell that's a 21" tt on 20s. I'm 6'1" and even I bang my knees on that.

It took off the suspension of disbelief in a big way. Imagine if Picard whipped out a lightsaber and screaming "JAR JAR IS MY FATHER". That's about how realistic that BMX infusion is.

casualcollapse - 2023-07-22

It seems you’re over specialization has interfered with your suspension of disbelief, I recommend more marijuana next time

yogarfield - 2023-07-23

I'd recommend less because you actually typed "you're over specialization" as a dig. Maybe get back to posting shit everyone has already seen?

C'mon, get a 50m view through the hopper. We're counting on you kiddo.

3 stars

SolRo - 2023-07-23

BMX/Hopper bouncer, how cool!!!

yogarfield - 2023-07-24

We can't help that we're in shape. I've actually bounced IRL, so I never took that as an insult. ID please.

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