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Comment count is 63
SolRo - 2023-09-01

More of this dumb alt-right-light content creator garbage

Pillager - 2023-09-01

Disney hired a narcissist who loathes the IP her current movie is based on.

“It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.”

Quad9Damage - 2023-09-01

It IS a little odd that Wonder Woman is going around on a Presidential campaign of, "This ain't your great-grandparents' Snow White! This woman don't need a kiss without her expressed consent to wake HER up!" If, indeed, this wasn't just from a single interview cut into clips and blown out of context—which is usually the case.

However, I would also argue: when this movie fails (and it will) it won't be because Gal Gadot single-handedly destroyed it. It will fail because I can't think of a single person who actually liked ANY of these live action animated (blue screen) feature remakes. Not a single one, and not one person off the top of my head. Not The Lion King, not Aladdin, not Little Mermaid, not Peter Pan. Does anybody even remember that they uploaded a Peter Pan one? Right now, Disney is the kid who doesn't think everyone heard his unfunny joke the first time, so he repeats himself louder. But instead of awkwardness and self-loathing, it's hundreds of millions in cash that isn't coming back. Snow White will fail because nobody cares and will be doing a re-re-rewatch marathon of "The Office" instead.

And I don't know who this guy is, but assuming he's one of those culture war talking head guys, I will make an assumption that he is boring and his channel is boring. "Girlboss." (((((THE MESSAGE))))). I've heard it. So many times. I caught on that it was already boring with Star Wars. They don't realize they are just as boring as when Anita finger wags at a camera. Now I realize I can save an hour and fifty minutes by not watching Snow White plus 20 minutes of another one of these. Five for Hollywood is doomed, we're doomed, and the robots did it.

Accidie - 2023-09-01

SolRo thinks that if he keeps buying disney products he is part of the resistance, and therefore because we have anything negative to say about disney we must be trump supporters and nazis.

garcet71283 - 2023-09-01

“Live action” Lion King is in the top 10 grossing movies of all time. The short answer is that Disney doesn’t care if nobody likes it, as long as China buys tickets.

scrungus - 2023-09-01

had to go look this up, but yeah, #9 worldwide, #16 domestic. fascinating.

the 2017 Beauty and the Beast is 22 worldwide, 20 domestic. 2019 aladdin grossed $1b worldwide all the way down in a lowly 43rd spot.

Quad9Damage - 2023-09-01

That's interesting. I suppose from a business standpoint, they counted as a success. I was just looking at it from the standpoint of my own personal orbit, where either nobody likes these or just never talks about them. I also completely forgot live Beauty and the Beast was even a thing. And now I recall my sole sliver of knowledge about that, "Gaston's flunky now openly gay."

Disney is now very lazy and pumps out lazy, uninspired trash just like the rest of Hollywood. But yeah, who cares, because the Chinese liked thing they were allowed to watch. And I'm sure if Beijing responds favorably to live action Pocahontas in a few years, Disney survives, and your kids will keep posing in pictures with the mouse character they no longer recognize.

Nominal - 2023-09-02

More like Snow-RIGHT!

ashtar. - 2023-09-02

This movie is so supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community that it feels like Snow White Pride!

Nominal - 2023-09-03

"The Disney live action remakes are flops because no one in my circle of friends. I have no clue how much they made and won't take 10 seconds to look it up, but I know they were all flops and lost Disney hundreds of millions."

(presented with 10 seconds of research proving they made billions in profits)

"Okay, in the MONEY sense they were not flops, but everything else I said was absolutely true. Even though there is no other definition of flop or 'lost hundreds of millions'."

Next up, how Avatar was a box office bomb.

garcet71283 - 2023-09-04

The best way I’ve ever heard it explained is that you cannot think of corporations as people, rather think of them as animals. Animals seek out the greatest benefit for the least amount of energy. Corporations are the same, if people stopped paying them money, they would simply shift direction in whatever way people would resume paying them money.

There is no morality, only cold cost-benefit. Occasionally you get a CEO or executive who actually has a moral agenda aside from “make numbers go higher” but these people rarely last long (see Disneys previous CEO and the Budweiser marketing executives) as their survivability is only secure so long as the numbers keep frowning, regardless of agenda. A card carrying Nazi will remain CEO if their actions make a company’s stock grow, same for the most disconnected “woke” leftist.

Gmork - 2023-09-01

In case you didn't figure it out from the Meg, big money want less studio cost.
Big money want worldwide movie release.

Result: a movie only popular with idiots regardless of country

Nominal - 2023-09-03

With the side effect that more and more movies are having to throw in some out of place scenes with China pandering, the way that the old Godzilla movies had out of place Americans spliced in for the overseas version.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-09-01

Did you know Disney has a fully completed Dopey the Dwarf movie that exists in a vault somewhere which will never be released BECAUSE MICHAEL EISNER AND JEFFREY KATZENBERG DECIDED IT WAS ACTUALLY TOO BAD TO RELEASE? There’s no “franchise” there. There’s no goodwill for or against it. Nobody cares about Snow White, and saying you do is a straight up, abject, provable lie we can all look at and know a priori that you’re lying.

Nominal - 2023-09-02

The Day the Dopey Cried

ashtar. - 2023-09-01

Imagine being an adult who cares about whether a live action copy right renewal attempt of a children's movie has too much women in it.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-01

People are angry that Disney is spewing out mediocre crap and have chosen to take it out on a woman with dark skin.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-09-01

People used to the Disney Renaissance ers have no memory of the live action Kurt Russell era, and think they have it bad NOW. Kids, you will BEG for work after “The Gnome-Mobile”. BEG.

Pillager - 2023-09-02

'People are angry that Disney is spewing out mediocre crap and have chosen to take it out on an Entitled Bratty Narcissist.'


Snow White was the movie that made Disney.

It is a classic tale of friends banding together & risking their very lives to protect someone they care about.

It's going to bomb if ever released into the wild.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-02

I haven't seen her being "bratty", "entitled" or "narcissistic."

And it's weird that so many people who are calling her a bratty entitled narcissist love Donald Trump.

Pillager - 2023-09-02

No, many other women have called her out for Pseudo Feminism & Performative Progressivism.

https://www.tiktok.com/@cosywithangie/video/726483036975979239 1?_r=1&_t=8eqD3PtEL30

https://www.tiktok.com/@shikalord/video/7264695284624805138?_r =1&_t=8eqD0qgkuL8

https://twitter.com/Vara_Dark/status/1689780588738215936?s=20< br />
And also she's demanding royalties for every hour her movies are streamed.

That is some mighty strong entitlement from someone who's earned more from her box office bombs than most actors have earned in their entire lives.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-02

All the actors are demanding residuals for streaming. That's one of the main things the strike is about.

ashtar. - 2023-09-02

Yeah, this is some grrrr mad at AOC Ben Shapiro incel hate boner shit.

Fuck the colonizer Gal Gadot though. Free Palestine.

Pillager - 2023-09-02

True, and AI is the other main sticking point.

AI generated Background actors will save Hollywood a bundle.

BTW, Streaming currently is not very profitable. Disney isn't going to have a lot of Micky's cheddar to share...


I can see Disney shelving the current Snow White flick due to Zegler's caustic takes.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-09-02

Can you refer to a woman without also interjecting your porn search terms into the box?

Xenocide - 2023-09-04

Disney is not going to shelf a movie they've already sunk millions into based on the hurt feelings of a few internet manbabies. 99% of this movie's potential audience has no idea this made-up controversy even exists.

You guys already went through this whole "WOMAN ACTOR HAVE OPINIONS! DISNEY MOVIE RUINED!" routine with Brie Larson on Captain Marvel. That movie made a billion dollars.

Xenocide - 2023-09-04

MAGA Weirdos Last Week: Disney is run by child groomers and trannies and Jews, I hope all their movies fail.


Pillager - 2023-09-05

Normal People: Man, Disney sure is out of ideas if all they do is recycle old movies.

Normal People: Wow, she's shitting all over the beloved IP that her movies is based on. I'm not going to watch this.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-06

As dumb as it is for pillager to claim that two tiktoks and a tweet out of maybe a billion show that "many other women have called her out", there are so called professional journalists doing the same thing, claiming three tweets of a viral video is evidence of a trend. Three snarky tweets about Jennifer Lawrence prove that we're all sick of Jennifer Lawrence. There are reporters combing over sover social media looking for stuff like this to amplify.

If you can create a disturbance during a screening of "The sound of Freedom", shoot in on your camera, and blame it on the Woke Mob, the video go will go viral and Newsweek will cover it as national news, even if it's just someone workling the light switch for ten seconds.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

Okay, so apparently this is referring to something she said in an interview a year ago that someone apparently decided to mine for clickbait only now. Here's a quote:

“I just mean that it’s no longer 1937,” Zegler said in the interview. “We absolutely wrote a ‘Snow White’ that — she’s not going to be saved by the prince, and she’s not going to be dreaming about true love. She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave and true.”

She's describing the movie she made. She's saying that it's different, which is . The only part that seems dismissive is when she says "it's not 1937 any more", which, at least according to Wikipedia, is factually correct.

Normal Person: Man, Disney sure is out of ideas if all they do is recycle old movies!

Normal Person: Man it sure is disrespectful of them to have new ideas!

That's really how it goes. Every remake either makes people mad for being a slavish copy, unless it makes them mad for NOT being a slavish remake.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

What if Disney is aiming its promotion at parents of little girls, and not single adult males?

Pillager - 2023-09-07

Hey JHM,

The seven dwarves have been replaced by the 7 Portland hipsters. Gal Gadot is playing the Evil Stepmother who's jealous of some mouthy goblin with widely spaced goat eyes.

From the original fairy tale:

'a skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony, and she was named Snow-White.'

Her attitude is just one facet of the movie's problems.

Pillager - 2023-09-07

Secondly, I don't want a carbon copy of the original. I don't want a remake either. Disney should lose its copywrites.

Make new stories that entertain core fans & don't just pander to twitter.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

If it's an outlandishly modernized Snow White, there's nothing especially caustic about the star suggesting that an outlandishly modernized Snow White is a good thing. All she did was talk up the movie that she's in. If it's a horrible movie, she's not going to hurt it by saying it's good.

>>>From the original fairy tale:

>>>'a skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony, and she was named Snow-White.'

>>>Her attitude is just one facet of the movie's problems.

You can't possibly intend for this to come off as.racist as it does, but your actual intent is not clear.

Pillager - 2023-09-07

Read the Rorschach Test however you want. No skin off my nose.

They chose the wrong actress for the job. She's box office poison.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-08

So I'm guessing this is a YouTube video that tries really really hard to make a case that the director, an adult with an I Q. well above 50, is publicly attacking the star because why? Because he doesn't like bad publicity.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-09-02

Abolish copyright and this kind of shit goes away pretty quick.

ashtar. - 2023-09-02

Yeah, the fact that Disney is part of an oligopoly that has basically re-written American copyright laws is kind of the real story here. Material market forces have way more influence over what media looks like than ideology does.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-02

You can't copyright Snow White and the Seven Dwarves because it's a centuries-old fairy tale.

You can only copyright the specific version you made.

ashtar. - 2023-09-02

Yeah, no shit. I used to get pegged by a prominent copyright scholar, so I'm basically, like, an expert on this.

Works produced in 1937 should be public domain by now. They are not.
All the human creators are long dead, it's just corporate ghouls parasitizing their corpses.


It's also worth noting that much of the iconic Disney IP is drawn from interpreting public domain works, and they they turn around try to enclose the public domain as much as possible so no one else can do this.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-09-05

Copyright is landlordism applied to culture.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

Of, maybe they're aiming their promotion at parents of children who were born after 2010, and not unmarried men who were born before 2000. If you're a normal mainstream feminist mom, maybe you WANT to be assured that you're not going to be teaching your little girl cultural lessons from the Greatest Generation about what it means to be a woman.

Pillager - 2023-09-07

"What if Disney is aiming its promotion at parents of little girls, and not single adult males?"

They might want to aim for red state families with Multiple kids instead of the blue armpit hair crowd.

See the dismal performances of Elemental, Lightyear & Strange World.


Disney is delaying this stink burger for a reason.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

>>They might want to aim for red state families with Multiple kids instead of the blue armpit hair crowd.

>>>See the dismal performances of Elemental, Lightyear & Strange World

Did Rachel Zegler say something in an interview that somehow tanked the box office fof Elemental, because, if not, you lost me.

You mean all those moms who took their daughters to see Barbie (I was.surrounded by them at a weekday matinee) had blue armpit hair? Do they drink soy lattes? I'll bet those bitches all drink soy lattes!

If Disney is delaying the movie, which was "a rumor" where I read about it, it may indeed be because it's bad. I certainly wouldn't bet against it being bad.

However, no serious person could believe that the star pointed out, correctly, that it's not 1937 any more.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07

* No serious person could believe it's because...

Pillager - 2023-09-07

Disney is having a pretty bad run at the box office.

Bad Takes like Zegler's are a big part of that issue. She's a symptom.

Disney needs to aim to please their core audience & not just play to Performative Wokeness.

Barbie wasn't a played out exhausted franchise like everything else. Give it time though.

Yes, I know that 86 years have passed. That said, the emotional core of Snow White wasn't being rescued by Prince Charming.

It was Grumpy dwarf over overcoming his initial mistrust of Snow White & then rallying the other dwarves to risk their very lives & rush to rescue her from her Evil Stepmother.

Disney is losing a great deal by chasing current day fads & trends.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-07


Either the new SNOW WHITE is the movie she's describing, which sounds like.it could be a bad movie, or it's not the.movie she's describing, which would make this a.bad take.

It could turn out to be.both, but you can't argue for both before anyone has seen the movie.

Pillager - 2023-09-07

Marc Webb, the director is pulling his hair out over this.


It sounds like the movie has been vivisected into something hideously dissimilar to the original.

The drama surrounding this flick will be far more entertaining than the movie itself.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-10

>>>Disney gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $28.776B, a 3.06% increase year-over-year.

https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIS/disney/gross-pro fit

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-08

What? This is your source? A you tube video by the scholarly creator of "Brie.Larson losing her mind, The Marvels is.doomed"? You couldn't find a nice TikTok to make your point?

When doing postmortem analysis, the secret to not looking like a creepy misogynist racist with no intellectual integrity is to wait for the movie to come out. After the movie.has failed.is when you can claim why the movie failed, whether it was because the star said disparaging things about the year 1937, or if it was because of Disney's insistence of slavishly following every current passing trend in woke pop culture philosophy, e.g, "consent".

I had never heard of this actress, or this movie, before the other day, . My only dog in this.fight is the concept of reality. Not only is it not 1937, it's also not 2024, the year in which there will be a movie and box office figures to talk about.

Without a real movie to be discussing, this looks like a reflexive racist backlash against casting a woman of color as a character whose name symbolizes perfect.whiteness, and this is how painfully literal these guys are. I'm not saying this is racist, only that it really really LOOKS racist, and I.see no compelling reason to look for.deeper.meanings.

Pillager - 2023-09-08

Yes JHM, it's no longer 1937. 86 years have passed. The calendar on my desktop informs me. My phone relays the same temporal revelation.

That said, it's also no longer 2019. The Girlboss era has come & gone.

Insinuating that I'm an 'Ist', 'Phobe' or an 'Ism' doesn't negate the shittiness of Zegler's behavior.

No knows when the 'Updated for Modern Audiences' version of Snow White will lurch out into the wild.

I'm just looking forward to the reaction videos of its fiery downfall at the Box Office.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-09

What kind of backwards pageantry is this?

You're saying that they're reshooting the film because of something that the star said IN AN INTERVIEW, as if this makes some kind of sense. Changing the film is supposed to somehow change the interview? Maybe if they run the film in the camera in reverse?

Here's a source that isn't social media,


Pillager - 2023-09-11

She didn't want to do scenes with Andrew Burnap. Kinda rubs the director the wrong way. Since Andy's Prince Charming & all...

https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/rachel-zegler-viral-backla sh-snow-white-disney-live-action-rcna99848


'She jokes that Burnap – who plays a character named Jonathan, seemingly the Prince’s replacement – could have all of his scenes cut entirely as “that’s Hollywood, baby.”'

https://insidethemagic.net/2023/08/rachel-zegler-snow-white-di sney-release-cj1/

She's truly a fountain of endless joy and delight, ain't she?

I have to work tomorrow. We can argue later today. See you then.

Crackersmack - 2023-09-08

buncha 40 something men watching a video analysis of snow white made by a guy with a nose piercing, and then discussing snow white in the comments

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-08

The guy who made the video is supposed to be a comedian, so he can talk about how the actress tanking the movie, a hypothetical thing that may happen in the future, but hasn't happened yet, so it is not a fact, and he just pretend that it's a joke, but a lot of the comments just treat it like it's already because that's what mushy melonheads who don't care about facts like to do.

I especially enjoy the idiots who claim that this all "outrage marketing" because, you know, it's perfectly normal and expected that people are going to be outraged at being reminded that it's not 1937 any more.

Pillager - 2023-09-08

@ CS. Most View Video BayBee!!! I'm doing numbers!

@ JHM I'm enjoying the fact that Disney is losing a ton of money & doesn't Seem to want to stop throwing it in the crematorium.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-09

>>>@ JHM I'm enjoying the fact that Disney is losing a ton of money & doesn't Seem to want to stop throwing it in the crematorium.

Well, they made money on the live action adaptations they released in the past, and they haven't yet lost money on the ones they haven't released yet, so i'm sort of perplexed by the "fact" that you don't seem to know what a "fact" is.

I watched SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES for the first time in years yesterday, and it's a truly beautiful film, but that prince really is obnoxious, and Snow White responds to him like a frightened animal. Even in 1937, the romance dynamic must have been intended as impossibly quaint, and wouldn't have worked in live action. A 21st century live action version of this particular animated film, among all the animated Disney films, seems like a challenge. If they pull it off, it'll be a major accomplishment, but maybe they won't.

Regardless, watching the film now seems to affirm Ms. Zegler's comments.

Pillager - 2023-09-09

Recently, they've lost money on Live Action remakes.

Peter Pan & Wendy was savaged by most reviewers.

The Little Mermaid? Razor thin profit by home release only. Hollywood isn't a break even business.

Antman, Elemental, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, and Haunted Mansion all contributed to a $900 million dollar loss for Disney.

Flops like Strange World & Turning Red show how out of touch they are.

BTW, was leaving Snow White in a coma is a happy ending? Being trapped in suspended animation is a lot worse than some dude kissing you.

"Dopey, it's your turn to dust off Snow this week."

I'd rather be smooched by Prince Charming than serve as the 7 Dwarves Real Doll...

Finally , there are South American folk tales that Disney could made into Zegler vehicles. She'd be a great villain.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-09

If you're going to claim that Disney blew up the Hindenburg in New Jersey, AND also claim that Rachel Zegler shot down the Hindenburg in New Jersey, both things can never be true at the same time, but the best time to make the claim without appearing to lie is before the Hindenburg has left Frankfurt, assuming that you're lying to idiots.

Pillager - 2023-09-09

She wasn't born when a spark ignited the Hindenburg's hydrogen.

She was however shooting her mouth off during interviews & the Director is dealing with massive reshoots due to La Zegler's supernova ego.

the movie will be cancelled or it will be released & make quite a few YouTubers happy. I'll keep you posted.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-09

What kind of backwards pageantry is this?

You're saying that they're reshooting the film because of something that the star said IN AN INTERVIEW, as if this makes some kind of sense. Changing the film is supposed to somehow change the interview? Maybe if they run the film in the camera in reverse?

Here's a source that isn't social media,


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-10

>>>Disney gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $28.776B, a 3.06% increase year-over-year.

https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIS/disney/gross-pro fit

Pillager - 2023-09-11

Is that going to cover the contractually obliged Hulu purchase?

Disney owns two-thirds of Hulu, while Comcast owns the rest. Under a 2019 agreement, either company can trigger a sale or purchase of Comcast's 33% stake to Disney as early as January 2024. The agreement ascribes a minimum equity value to Hulu of $27.5 billion.

https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/comcast-extends-date-hul u-deal-with-disney-september-2024-2023-09-06/

Hope they have no other costs...

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