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Comment count is 6
Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-03

This really was my favorite scene, but it could have been done far better. There was too much CGI crap cluttering up the action. Real artists know empty space is as important as the filled spaces.

The movie itself was... well... not bad but not that good?

They've basically made The Flash the DC equivalent to Spider Man and this was his "No Way Home."

The comic book movies have more or less followed the same evolutionary path as printed comics. They went from self-contained stories in one movie to "to be continued" movies to "You have to see multiple other movies for this one movie to make total sense." And of course all the movies have different writers who each have a different vision and interpretation of the characters.

casualcollapse - 2023-09-04

Yes, agreed on the over cluttering of the scene but still yes very cool

The Mothership - 2023-09-04

I'm impressed that they went with the Flash storyline who had the super-metbolism which proved to be a limitation on the superhero. How lame is a Flash who has to eat all the time to stay super-ready? The most vulnerable superhero, I would argue. It's a good choice and I approve.

Also, this is ultra-hilarious. The last scene is a DIRECT rip off of the scene in Robocop where Robo has just saved the rape victim and he says to her coldy: "Madam, you have suffered an emotional shock. I will notify a rape crisis center." and walks away.....

duck&cover - 2023-09-04

Terrible pun, but I guess that they just couldn't resist.

Anaxagoras - 2023-09-04

It's official: I apparently hate fun. My only reaction while watching the baby shower was "NO. PHYSICS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY." Although I'm technically correct (the best kind of correct), that's beside the point.

Oh well. Me and my technically correct brain will be over here in the corner, stroking our beards and feeling smug.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-06

The Cinema Sins video for this one is going to be longer than the movie, but I loved all that boomer fan service. I cheered when Nic Cage's Superman appeared.

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