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Comment count is 5
Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-10-10

Unfortunately due the inflationary effects on archangelic intervention on lottery results, a million dollars is now worth fuck all.

betamaxed - 2023-10-10

What happens if you do it more than once?

Pillager - 2023-10-10

You get forwarded to Mammon.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-11

Archangels don’t give the slightest shit about fookling economic details, and Uriel isn’t even a verified archangel canonically. You’d need to go downwards on the angelic hierarachy archangel to angel to elemental before they’d care and they only care in so far as more physical material is manifested, they don’t really “get” how money works.

Bootymarch - 2023-10-11

This is actually amazing, I just drove a schizophrenic man to the doctor who said he had his psychotic break years ago when he was "praying to win the lottery." He also told me "there's a really thin line between mental illness and religion." He had statues of all kinds of dieties outside his house.

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