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Comment count is 7
Colonel Cowlung - 2007-07-08

John Goodman

teethsalad - 2007-07-08

if you enjoy the talking heads and haven't seen the film this is from, (true stories), go down to your local rental haus or village town library and grab yourself a copy for your looking eyes and hearing ears

KnowFuture - 2007-07-08

From what's definitely one of the most underrated movies from the 1980s. I bought the DVD off Amazon for 5 bucks...the movie's a tad bit dated (damn, people were optimistic about technology fixing everything back then) but still highly entertaining.

kingarthur - 2007-07-08

Auto five

happy_ending - 2007-07-08

Go, Radiohead!

rustedmutt - 2008-05-09

How's that phrase go?

Ah, yes.

'Not enough stars.'

joelkazoo - 2009-11-23

Fuck the "Real" Talking Heads fans. I *LOVE* this song! It just plain SCREAMS '80s (in a VERY good way)!

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