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Comment count is 8
Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-05

He's got a supplemental video on Illuminaughtii up today.

She has a good voice. She could do well as a reader if she didn't insist on being perceived as a one-woman show. But she's a vain control freak.

Cena_mark - 2023-12-06

Pretty funny how she set her own downfall in motion. The narcissism is quite apparent when she thought she could school Legal Eagle on plagiarism law.
I listened to some of her stuff. It was alright for folding the laundry to, but the rate the videos came out did make me sense that it was content farm style.

SolRo - 2023-12-06

We say downfall about these bigtime YouTube assholes fucking up and getting caught, but have any of them actually faced significant consequences or loss of income? Seems the worst that happens is their subscribers drop slightly

One of them doxed another recently and even that wasnt enough for a ban (or criminal charges)

Cena_mark - 2023-12-07

Iilluminaughty seems to have taken a pretty hard hit. Before the controversies her videos were getting over a quarter million views, now they get about 30K.

glasseye - 2023-12-07

The main target of this video (Somerton) has lost a bit over 10% of his subscribers, and outright deleted his patreon and his channel. He was getting like $170k / year from them off of his plagiarism.

glasseye - 2023-12-07

With sponsorships he probably cleared 200k / year

Anaxagoras - 2023-12-07

This video is almost 4 hours long, but it's well worth watching anyways. Put it on while doing the dishes or something. It's eye opening.

In addition, I'm stunned by how many other youtubers have jumped on the "Fuck that guy!" bandwagon for the various people profiled in this video. They're providing derivative content based on a video about derivative content. Amazing.

SolRo - 2023-12-08

Think we’ll get a video plagiarizing this video about plagiarism?

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