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Comment count is 6
Lef - 2023-12-25

Donna's sporting that failed sovereign citizen vibe like a champ.

Lef - 2023-12-25

I suspect a "body cam" or similar tag may be fruitful.

Mister Yuck - 2023-12-25

I hate all the Chicago suburbs, but fuck Naperville.

Mister Yuck - 2023-12-25

Probably needs to be a better way to deal with people having breakdowns though. Not sure what's going on in this lady's head but getting the gentle shaft of the state with a lotta lube on it because COVID made you confused or something seems like uhhhhh.... bad actually. Really bad.

Lef - 2023-12-25

Pay no attention to the aggrevated assault on her son.

ashtar. - 2023-12-28

The biggest meltdowns I've had were middle class people with minor infractions. In many cases, mentally ill career criminal heroin addicts with felony warrants are a lot more reasonable and nice.

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