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Comment count is 15
OxygenThief - 2024-01-17

What exactly is this fixing or improving? I can open the Uber app and in two clicks have what I want. How does adding another layer of abstraction with another security protocol that can be potentially compromised help anything other than making tech bros who sleep in eHammocks even richer?

Plus I likely won't even work. Talking into your phone and expecting any level of accuracy is a fool's game. You ask for an Uber to take you to Main Street and it books a ride to Dave Street and adds the note 'Don't tip if driver is Norwegian'.

Plus there is no way in hell Uber and other companies are going to be thrilled with another company's AI interacting with their app rather than actual users.

What a load of chodes.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-01-17

Never underestimate how stupid people can be.

Smartphone UX is absurdly bad and ignores many fundaments of human interface design + Android and iOS are the worst shit ever, yet they are now dominant.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-01-17

This thing (or the next thing like it) is gonna be aimed at the stupidest people imaginable, therefore it will probably sell like gangbusters.

casualcollapse - 2024-01-17

do y'all really not think about disabled people?? or the senior population

OxygenThief - 2024-01-18

If it worked it would be great but that is a big if. The VC money that goes into projects like is much better spent on actual advances for the disabled and the elderly - not on another half-working middleman app.

badideasinaction - 2024-01-18

Everything is cramming AI chatbot into their product next. There's a ChatGPT enabled camera already.

It's gonna be hilarious when someone uses it to hack the device.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-01-17

This seems like Juicero all over again.

snothouse - 2024-01-17

I can't think of a more techbro way of ordering dinner than "bring me the most popular food".

Nominal - 2024-01-17


jfcaron_ca - 2024-01-17

I remember waiting in line to buy tickets at a movie theatre back in like 2006, I forgot which movie, but I overheard the couple ahead of me asking the clerk "What's the most popular movie? We'll go see that." It was kind of depressing to witness.

Rafiki - 2024-01-17

lol @ this

Juicero's a pretty good comparison. No one's going to buy this because they're going to wonder why they should carry this around in addition to their smartphone. And what this allegedly does is all software based, so there's no reason Apple, Google, and Microsoft's assistants couldn't just copy it. And it looks like it can't do anything unless you have accounts to all of the services it uses and manually link them, and that menu with various service apps makes me think it can only support those specific ones instead of being a true AI that could handle any service you throw at it. This is either a scam to sucker venture capitalists or a lame attempt to get bought.

Quad9Damage - 2024-01-18

I keep reading this as "rabbi" Ai phone. For some reason.

ashtar. - 2024-01-18

It's weird that the WALL-E world is our best case future at this point.

ashtar. - 2024-01-19

I think the real money prospect here is yet another rent seeking platform monopoly. "Plan fun things to do in London for me" will be heavily influenced by which London businesses pay the AI company to get bumped up that list.

Whatever the possibilities of the underlying technology, this business model will limit its utility to consumers.

Nominal - 2024-01-31


Jesus fucking christ....

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