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Comment count is 10
Gmork - 2024-02-06

Of course he's a fucking moonie.

Gmork - 2024-02-06

after pressing play it looks like bad AI

Quad9Damage - 2024-02-07

I was out of the loop and had to Google Moonie. Yeup, that sounds an awful lot like a cult. Trump will call any person "great, wonderful," as long as they throw support at him.

But I feel like support for him is waning. I imagine a lot of hardcore evangelicals probably aren't huge on this endorsement. After he was denied immunity, I went over to FoxNews and was shocked to see a lot of people in the comments blowing off his defense team's rebuttal. Trump might be leading in the Primary, but he is on shaky ground.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-02-06

I'm actually glad this was real and not a deepfake because this fucker's awful enough without inventing any more of him.

Quad9Damage - 2024-02-07

I still can't get over how it not only looks like AI, it looks like something you might see late at night on the 24/7 Scientology channel. By the way, never watch the broadcast on scientology dot org if you have insomnia.

Nominal - 2024-02-07

Live from New York?

ashtar. - 2024-02-08

Anti-communism has always been one of the most important pillars of fascism.

casualcollapse - 2024-02-10

Israel is still committing genocide and to anybody that said they weren't, go sit and spin, my memory isn't that sharp so if you don't announce yourself I'll probably forget but Jesus fucking Christ

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-02-11

You know what finally got me to say I'm anti Israel? The ads they're running on Hulu "visit beautiful gaza" about how everything would be lemon squares and egg creams if not for Hamas. I think most whitebread Americans like just didn't understand it, and we didn't want to appear antisemitic or whatever. They've been exploiting our ignorance.

Or course, it's not as bad as the Holocaust. THAT is the lowest bar for anything ever.

casualcollapse - 2024-02-11

Yeah those were pretty gross ads

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